Chapter 10: FALSEHOOD!

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"Guys? Where's Virgil?"

Thomas was looking at the Sides standing around him. Funny, it seemed like everyone just appeared today. Maybe he shouldn't have stayed up all night rewatching The Office.

"Who's Virgil?" Asked Roman.

"Ha ha." Thomas said. "Very funny, Roman. You know, Virgil? My anxiety? Where is he?"

"He's not here, obviously." Logan said.

"Well, yeah, I can see that, Logan. I was wondering if you guys knew where he was specifically."

"Probably listening to that weird music of his," Roman said, rolling his eyes. "Maybe he didn't feel like showing up today. How the hell am I supposed to know?"

"WOAH, Princey, tone down the language!" Thomas said, covering his ears. "I was just asking if you knew anything."

"Well I don't, Thomas, so stop bothering me."

"What is your problem today? You're acting like such a....such a..."

"Go on, say it!"

"Like a spoiled rotten baby man!"

Roman gasped. "Why you little—"

"Guys, maybe we all need to relax," Patton said, glancing around the room. "All of this stress seems to be getting to us. Maybe it's something we could help you with, Thomas?"

Thomas took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "You're right, Patton. Sorry, I just felt so angry all of a sudden. No idea where that came from.

"Anyways, I was feeling kind of stressed over this one thing. Last week, Joan texted me asking if I could help them work on this script and I said yes. But then, the other day, this really cute guy came up to me, and we chatted for a little bit, and he suggested that we go out sometime. So I said yes. The problem is that the day I'm supposed to hang out with this guy is the same day I promised Joan I was going to help them. What should I do?"

A loud snore echoed from the corner near the staircase.

"Logan?" Thomas asked. "Rise and shine, buddy."

"What? Oh." Logan stretched his arms, not even bothering to fix his tie or his glasses. "In my opinion, just don't do anything."

"How much of that did you even hear?"

"Enough. Besides, aren't there some Netflix shows you can catch up on? Just stay in bed. It's easier than whatever you were suggesting we do."

"I don't know..."

"SERIOUSLY?" Roman exploded. "It's so simple. Just cancel one of your plans. Then you won't have to worry about the conflict. There, problem solved."

"But what if one of them gets upset with me?"

"Then that's their problem! If anyone should be mad it's you!"


"Of course! Joan shouldn't have to come to you for help; they should be creative enough to figure things out on their own. And that guy? If he gets mad at you because you want to reschedule one date then he clearly doesn't deserve you. Kick that boy to the curb now before it's too late."

"I mean..."

"If I could throw in my two cents," Patton said, tossing two pennies over to Thomas.

"Please, Patton, anything else would be helpful at this point."

"Well, it seems like you should reschedule one of your outings. You shouldn't do nothing, but you also don't want to make anyone mad at you. Would your friends be ok with you cancelling on them?"

"I don't know. Maybe if, I can't do that."

"Do what, kiddo?"

"I'm not lying about it."

"Well, why not?"

"Patton, you've said lying is wrong."

"I know that. I'm not suggesting anything major, Thomas. Just a small white lie. It wouldn't be the first time, wouldn't it?"

"I guess you're right," Thomas said. "I just don't see how any of these options are the best choice. I usually come to you guys for help, but I feel more confused than ever. Maybe if Virgil were here..."

"As much as" said Patton. "I can't make him show up if he doesn't want to. It wouldn't be fair to him."

"Can't you try? You guys can summon each other. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"I'm sorry, Thomas," Patton said. "I can't make him show up. Besides, I doubt he'd even want to be here."


Suddenly, Virgil, Roman, Logan, and Patton rose up from the floor. Virgil shouted so loudly he startled Logan, who was starting to doze off again.

"What the heck?!"

"Sup Thomas." Virgil said.

"Virgil, what is going on? Why are there two of everyone?"

Virgil eyed 'Patton', who was shooting daggers at him from across the room. Revealing Deceit was one thing. To reveal everyone Virgil would need Thomas to cooperate, and he wasn't sure if Thomas was ready for that. But if he was going to help his friends, if he was going to be a good guy, he needed to do this.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Virgil asked.

"Yes. Tell me everything."

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