Chapter 2: Let's Make a Deal

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The figure made his way over to Virgil, which suddenly made him extremely tense. He could feel his fight or flight reflexes kicking in, but, trapped in the moment, he stayed seated on the couch, scowling, while Deceit slithered over to him.

"It's so good to see you again, Anxiety. I adore the new outfit."

"My name is Virgil."

Deceit raised his yellow-gloved hands in defense to Virgil's threatening new tone.

"Now now, there's a need for that. I just didn't want to talk."

That was the thing about Deceit. You couldn't trust a word he said. So sometimes, on the rare occasion when he actually wanted to seem sincere, he would say sentences that had to be interpreted as the opposite of their apparent meaning.

"What could you possibly want from me?"

"Don't you miss us? Don't you miss your family?"

"You were not my family. None of you were. You all treated me like I was—like I was worthless!"

"But that's because we are. We are worthless. Undesirable. The sides that no one wants to admit that they have. That's why we have to stick together."

Virgil tried to stop the memories from coming back. He couldn't afford to break down. Not now.

"I...don' come back."

Deceit shook his head sadly, as if he was actually upset by Virgil's refusal.

"That's too bad. I wish you good luck in the future...Virgil."

Virgil eyed Deceit as he walked away towards the door. Right before he left, however, he turned and looked at a framed piece of paper hanging next to the doorway.

"This card," he said, gesturing towards the frame. "That's Patton's work, isn't it? Very tasteful; it goes with the decor quite nicely."

Virgil rolled his eyes and sank back into the couch. Of course Deceit would try to get one last jab at him before he left.

"You know, it would be a shame if he ever had to make a choice between his family members. To choose one to live over another. Quite the emotional toll that would take on him, wouldn't you say? He might never be the same again."

Virgil's breath stopped. He could hear his heartbeat growing louder, and louder, and louder, until he was pretty sure Deceit could hear it, too. He sat up and stared towards Deceit.

"And what about Logan? If there was a situation he couldn't think himself out of, what would that do to him? How about that? A problem that logic can't solve."

Deceit chuckled to himself. Virgil wanted to say something, to do something, but he was trapped. Trapped listening to a possibility that could ruin everything he ever loved. Everyone that he ever loved. He'd learned to handle those thoughts when it came from himself, but this. This was just torture.

"Ah, and Roman. An actor by nature. Take away the stage and what do you have? Well, an egotistical liar. Maybe the two of us are much more alike than you would care to admit?"


"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

"Don't talk about my friends like that. You're not like them. None of you are like them. THEY are my family, not you. Not any of you!"

Virgil could feel his emotions rising. He'd done it. He'd told Deceit off, hadn't he? Then why did Deceit look so happy?

"Of course I know that. Why else would you become so guarded over the thought of losing them?"

Oh, sh*t.

"Now, I'm going to propose something to you. And you are going to agree. Understand?"

Virgil couldn't speak. He couldn't even look Deceit in the eye. Weakly, he shook his head yes.

"Good. All I need you to do is bring them to my room. Just for a little while. It's that simple. You remember where the room is, don't you?"

Virgil didn't answer, but it was more of a rhetorical question, anyways. Of course he remembered where Deceit's room was.

"But you can't tell them about our arrangement. If you even try...well..."

Virgil's hand involuntarily covered his mouth. He got the picture.

"Do we have an arrangement, Anxiety?"

He wanted to say no. He wanted to run away. He wanted to punch Deceit right in his slimy, scaly face. But he knew that Deceit was not one for empty threats. If he wanted to keep his friends safe...If he wanted to protect his family...


The answer was hoarse and hollow, but Deceit accepted it nonetheless.

Just as quickly as he had appeared in the room, Deceit vanished, leaving Virgil alone once again. Slowly, he sank down on the floor, tucked in his knees, and began to cry as the memories came flooding back.

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