Chapter 6: Help? Maybe? Ok, Now I'm Just Dissapointed

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In the downtime between videos, despite the threats, Virgil tried to warn the others about Deceit's plan.

"Hey, Logan," Virgil said one day.

"Yes, Virgil? What is it?"

"Isn't it..." He spoke slowly, trying to choose his words carefully. "...weird that we never see...snakes around here?"

"Virgil, we are in Thomas' subconscious. There are no snakes in here."

"No, I...I get that. I just mean...isn't it weird that we don't see any snakes around here. Because...we know they're around, they just won't show themselves. And when you see're too scared to mention it to anyone else. You know?"

"Virgil, it's 3 in the morning. Have you been watching conspiracy videos before bed again? If you need help sleeping I can recommend several varieties of tea. Perhaps a podcast or audiobook might help?"

"Ugh, forget it."

Later, he tried approaching Patton.

"Hey, Patton?"

"What's up, kiddo?"

"It's just—"

"The opposite of down."

"... Thanks, Patton."

"You're welcome! Anywhoooo, What seems to be the issue?"

"See...I've been...having these dreams about...something scary. And I can't talk about them...because I'm afraid that...the scary going to hurt all of you."

"Is the scary thing worse than...spiders?"

"Yes. A million times worse."

Patton slammed the door in Virgil's face.

"As much as I'd love to help you, kiddo, I don't think I can handle something 'a million times worse' than those creepy crawly death dealers. Why don't you go find Roman? I'm sure he'd love to help. If you need me, I'll be barricading my door for battle."

Virgil sighed, and turned towards the last door in the hallway. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He waited a minute. Then two. After ten minutes, Virgil was starting to become worried, when suddenly the door was thrown open.

Standing in the middle of the doorframe was Roman, a rose clamped between his teeth, with an oscillating fan blowing both his hair and a new red cape dramatically backwards.

Virgil stared dumbfounded, his mouth slightly open. "What are you doing?"

Roman spat out the rose. "Giving you a proper welcome, of course. I mean, it's not like you stop by here that often. Normally it's me barging into your room late at night. I have to make these moments count, Virgil!"

Despite the pressing situation, Virgil couldn't help but smirk. Roman always was cuter when he pouted about his ego being crushed. It was a nice reminder that even the so-called 'good Sides' had flaws, too.

"So," Roman said, regaining his composure. "What brings you here on this fine evening, Virgil?"

As much as he wanted to let his walls come down and spill everything, he couldn't. No one, not even Roman, could help him.

"I just..." Virgil said. "I couldn't sleep."

Quicker than lightning, Roman picked up Virgil, rushed him into the room, and gently placed him on the bed. Before Virgil could protest, Roman threw a handful of blankets on top of him, took off his cape, and wrapped Virgil in that, too.

With a victorious grin, Roman sat down next to Virgil on the bed.

"There! I have vanquished your insomnia!"

"Did Patton put you up to this?" came a muffled reply.

"What? Pshh, no. I mean, he may have given me some advice on the subject, but I was the one who was victorious!"

Virgil smirked. "Of course you are."

There was something reassuring about Roman's room. True, it would be harmful for him to spend too much time in here, but a few minutes in Roman's room began to calm him. It filled him with a surge of self-confidence, making him feel invincible, like anything was possible.

As he drifted off to sleep with Roman beside him, Virgil finally had a moment of peace. Even though he knew it wasn't going to last forever, he would savor the moment for as long as he could.

Yes, I am aware that this story has been extremely angsty and dark. I am sorry. That is how I am. Hopefully this chapter was a little better on the fluff side.

Also, yeah I kinda went on a burst of writing and immediately stopped. I've been busy. Sorry. Here's a shorter chapter to tide you over before I get back into the big plot/angst stuff.

Again. I am an angsty little writer. Fluffy hooman. Angsty writer. Sorry

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