Chapter 8: The Plan In Motion

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"Guys! I need help!"

Virgil stood in the middle of the hallway screaming. He didn't want to do this, but he had no choice.

Soon enough, everyone was by his side. Roman had his sword drawn, Patton was armed with hundreds of blankets, and Logan was eating Crofters straight out of the jar. Well, at least he showed up quickly.

"What is wrong, Virgil? I swear, I will slay any creature that dares to hurt you!"

"And where is your hoodie?" Patton chimed in. "Is this the reason for the emergency?"

"I just-" Virgil's voice caught in his throat. "I saw something come out of Deceit's room. And stole my hoodie and I...I tried to get it back but the door wouldn't open and I....I don't know what to do."

Tears streamed down his face, but not for the reason that the others thought.

Quickly, Patton wrapped Virgil in the blankets, as per standard procedure. Roman, armed with a sword, and Logan, armed with Crofters, marched down the hallway. Slowly, Patton and Virgil followed behind. Patton tried to comfort him, telling him that it would be ok, and that he would get his hoodie back soon enough, but Virgil could barely hear him.

Roman banged on the door. "Open up, you slippery snake!"

As the door opened, Roman stormed inside, followed by a concerned looking Logan. Soon enough, all four of them were standing inside of Deceit's room.

Roman charged up to Deceit, holding him at swordpoint. "Where is Virgil's hoodie?!"

Deceit smiled, even putting his hands up slightly in an innocent gesture. "I don't know what you're talking about, Roman."

"LIAR!" screamed Roman. "Virgil always tells us the truth, and if he says that something came from here and stole his hoodie, then something came out of your room and STOLE his HOODIE! And by process of elimination, it would have to be you! I swear..."

"Roman," Logan said.

"I will hunt to the ends of the Earth for Virgil."


"Now tell me, where is his hoodie?!"


"Come on Logan, I'm in the zone!"

"Roman, if you even attempted to use what little intellect you have, maybe you'd notice that Virgil's hoodie is sitting on that couch."

"...oh. Well, then you get it! I'm a bit busy here, anyways."

"Are you sure?" Deceit asked.

"Yes, I am incredibly busy, you poor excuse for a Disney villain!"

"Yes, of course. However, I meant how are you sure that Anxiety always tells the truth? How do you know he's not lying?"

"Because my son doesn't lie!" shouted Patton. "He may be dark and strange and wear a lot of black, but he's a better person than you'll ever be!"


Roman had noticed tears starting to form in Virgil's eyes again.

"He's lying, right? Tell me he's lying."

Weakly, Virgil shook his head no.


"Because he wanted to protect you," Deceit said, brushing away the sword. "Although I can't imagine why. You're all incredibly insufferable. I can barely comprehend how he stands all of you."

Deceit stood up, facing the now speechless crowd before him. "As much as I would love to stay and chat, we have some business to attend to. Anger, Laziness."

The other two Sides appeared and began to size up their opposites. Then, they shape-shifted.

"Jeez, how can you stand all of this...bedazzlement?" Anger said. "And this stupid sash. Although, I have to admit the sword is a good idea."

"At least this guy understands simplicity," said Laziness, blinking rapidly. "But seriously, how intense is this lens prescription? Were you born blind?"

"All right, look." Logan stepped up to Deceit, now disguised as Patton. "I don't know what you're planning, and I don't know how you roped Virgil into this. Frankly, I don't care. I do know, however, that your plan is destined to fail."

"Oh, really?" Deceit said. "And why is that?"

"Because we are standing between you and the door!"

"Of course," Deceit said. "You've bested us. Congratulations."

With a snap of his fingers Roman, Logan, and Patton were thrown across the room. Logan and Patton were hurt, but Roman was passed out cold. Suddenly, Virgil couldn't take it anymore.

"YOU PROMISED!" He shouted as the Dark Sides started walking out the door. "YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T HURT THEM!"

Deceit smiled, but seeing it on Patton's face made the expression that much worse.

"Anxiety, when do I ever keep my promises?"

And with that, Deceit shut and locked the door behind him, trapping Roman, Logan, Patton, and Virgil inside.

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