Confessions: Part Two

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"Confessions Of A Cynical Romantic: Part Two"

...gothic intrigue, for Eleni


In this whirling cacophony

Where nothing is real, and reality

Tainted with colours of

Crystalline blood and anguish,

I wander among the spaces,

Seeking respite from the chaos.

Yet, it is the tumultuous wind which comforts me,

Completes an unfinished portrait, the stillness of

A dark-eyed lady never at peace with serenity.

Even when the storm passes,

The immense disorder of the heart

Lies transparent, shattered quietly

Within romantic tapestries

Of rose and ice,

Beauty destroyed by attempts

At preservation


You come to me in dreams, dark and haunting,

Terrifying my soul into submission,

A reminder of how you did always have a way

Of possessing exactly what you wanted.

Although I beg you for release;

I'd not exchange your pain for mine

Because you'd ultimately know the greater tragedy.

If I could stroke your delicate cheek once more,

And speak my torment into that enveloping abyss,

Would you then realise how I've always loved you,

And, at long last, set me free?

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