chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Friday comes along, and Emma is excited, today was Henry's birthday, he was turning 8. But not only that, this was the first time the 5 of them would be spending time together since the first date. They, her and Killian were now dating, she wasn't ready to put any kind of label on it, even though she knew Henry and Will would want too. Today was also Henry's (and also Will's) last day of camp, this upcoming Wednesday they were going back to school, to second grade. Emma sent Henry with cupcakes to celebrate with his friends at camp.

The day goes painfully slow for everyone, all ready for the exciting night ahead. Emma picks up Henry earlier then usual, so he could come with her to shop for the night, what ice cream he wanted and such. They pick up the cake from Granny's, Henry's favorite chocolate with peanut butter cream in the middle and chocolate frosting on top.

They get home and they start cleaning up, and getting the food ready, their guests would be there later. Emma starts the homemade mac and cheese, and puts chicken in the oven some of the kids' favorites. That was something Emma always enjoys doing making the kids favorite meal, and doing stuff he enjoyed. Lately that had been spending time with their friends, friends that where becoming a large part of their lives.

Emma pulls everything out of the oven and moments later there is a knock at the door. She goes to open to find the Jones boys "Hey guys" Emma says cheerfully.

"Hello love" Killian says putting his hand on her hip and kisses her cheek.

"Hi Emma" Will says, holding Henry's gift in hand.

Then Liam from Killians arms says loudly "Emma."

Emma smiles "Hey kiddos" she says and gives Will a side hug and then takes Liam from Killian "There is my favorite two year old."

Liam grins and buries his face in her neck "My Emma."

The adults both laugh at the boys' sweetness.

"Where's Henry?" Will asks.

"His room" Emma says with a smile.

Will hands the gift to Killian and runs to his friends' room.

"You would think they haven't seen each other all day" Killian jokes making Emma laugh. "And it seems as though a certain lad missed you."

Emma kisses Liam's head "I missed my Liam too" she says softly, making the boy cuddle more into her.

Then Henry comes running out of his room jumping at Killian "Hey Killian."

Killian lifts him up with a smile "There's the birthday boy" he say then sets Henry down and then squats to get eye level with him "Happy birthday lad" Killian says ruffling his hair.

"Thanks" Henry says and hugs him. "Oh mom" Henry turns around "can Will..." he starts to ask and sees his friends bag "never mind" he adds then runs back to his room.

Emma laughs and shakes her head "That kid is too much..."

"Well he knows now that Will is staying over" Killian says with a chuckle "thank you for including us love."

"We both want you here" Emma says with a smile.

Killian grins and kisses Emma, and Liam grumbles something "Oh stop lad" he says teasingly "you need to share Emma" he says rubbing his sons back.

Liam shakes his head "My Emmy" he says "my Emmama" he says sounding like he was combing Emma and mama.

"My little Li bear" Emma whispers and kisses his head, and lays her head on top of his. "Come on... let's go sit and relax a bit before we eat" Emma says using one arm to hold Liam and reaches out the other to take Kilian's hand.

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