Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The rest of winter goes uneventful, except for the week that Emma and all three boys came down with the flu; Killian having to take care of them all, somehow not getting sick himself. The spring come in, things getting even more series for all. Liam was calling Emma 'mom' now, and she and Henry pretty much unofficially had moved in. And Emma finished the police academy finally. It was now May, meaning mother's day and Liam's birthday where both fast approaching.

Killian was currently standing out on the deck as he grill, he watched as the boys ran around with a smile. For May it was a bit cool still, the boys having to run around in pants; although that wasn't odd for May really; but also long sleeve shirts. Killian flips the burgers over, and looks over at Emma as she brings out a plate with cheese on it "Just in time Swan."

Emma smiles happily "Look at that" she teases, setting the plate down. "Are the boys being nice?"

"Of course, Henry especially, he's oddly protective of Liam, it's sweet" Killian says, as he puts the cheese on.

Emma smiles watching all the boys run around the yard, chasing a soccer ball. She sits at the outdoor table "Looking at them, you would have no idea they weren't all actually brothers."

Liam comes running over "Mommy, mommy" he says seeing her.

Emma chuckles bringing him up into her lap, Liam kneels on her legs hugging her "Hey baby, you having fun?"

Liam nods "lotsa fun."

Emma grins "great, are you getting hungry?" she earns a nod.

Killian smiles "Good lad, cause the burgers are almost done."

Liam makes a face, making Emma laugh "I got nuggets for you kiddo" she kisses his cheek.

"Tank you mommy."

Killian flips the burgers over, adding the cheese to each one. Emma calls the boys over to get plates together, and puts Liam in his seat, then goes inside and gets his chicken nuggets.

Emma comes back, and finds herself pausing in the doorway back to the backyard. The boys are all happily giggling at something Killian said, it was a gorgeous sight, to the point it took her breath away for a second. "There's all my guys" she chuckles walking out.

"Mom, Will showed me a new trick with the ball" Henry grins putting ketchup on his burger.

Emma grins, winking at Will "Did he?"

"Yep, I'm going to be just as good as him and Killian soon."

"Lad, you are fine soccer player already" Killian starts, sitting down at the table with a beer "You're just... fining up your skills."

"Maybe you can show me more Killian?" Henry asks.

"Sure, after me and your mom get everything cleaned up, the three of us can horse around. How does that sound?" Killian asks the boys.

Later that night, all three boys long since tucked into bed, Killian crawls into bed with Emma, he pecks her lips, and lays down, as she finishes a chapter in the book she was reading.

Emma finishes the chapter, puts the book marker in place, then sets the closed book on the nightstand "Today... was pretty great" she grins.

Killian hums "Yeah, it was wasn't it?" He shifts, to laying on his side, holding his head up with his hand. "I... want to talk to you about something Emma."

"Killian, I told you, I still have time on my lease before we can fully move in" Emma says, raising a eyebrow, it being a common topic of conversation.

Unexpected familyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora