Chapter 2

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As the days and weeks went by I began developing deeper feelings for Peter. He started to understand how I felt and grew very close to me. I wanted to tell him how I felt but I was afraid he wouldn't feel the same way. So I kept the feelings to myself. I didn't have a BFF to express how I felt about him to. Only my brothers. Who weren't helpful at all when it came to understanding feelings. I began to grow close to Peter's aunt May, she was the only one I can really talk to when it comes to things like feelings, dating advice, etc. The only people who really understood me were Aunt May and Peter. Although I have been spending a lot of time with Peter, I am still blind to how he feels about me. He hasn't said much since we first met. As we were walking to science class however, he started to reach for my hand and I pulled away. When the school bell rang and 3rd hour started, I got there early and sat down at my seat and began drawing in my notebook with my head down so I couldn't see who was coming in the classroom. Peter came in a few minutes later, sat down at his desk quietly, got out his books, and leaned forward across his desk towards my back, to get my attention.

"Heeeyyy Allie." He said in a sing-song like voice.

It scared me a bit because I wasn't expecting it, and I didn't know he was there, so I let out a quiet squeal, and I could feel a smile stretch across his face, and laugh a little. I turned around in my seat to face him and reply to his comment to me, but got caught by the teacher.

"Heyy Par-" I get interrupted by the teacher.

"Allie, turn around now!" Mr. Harrington yelled. At this point the entire class was staring at me. I hesitated before turning my body around, but I was apparently too slow for Mr. Harrington's liking. "Don't make me ask again Ms. Dawes." He continued. Peter's head was buried in his book. There was an awkward silence before I spoke.

"S-Sorry Mr. Harrington, it won't happen again. I promise." I said looking at the top if my desk. Then everyone except for Peter and Mr. Harrington started to laugh quietly.

"That's enough class." He stated. "And if you say so Ms. Dawes. Now may I continue to teach the class..." He trailed off and was now staring in mine and Peter's direction."...without any distractions?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." We both said at the same time.

I looked back at Peter after he and I responded at the same time. I turned back to face the front of the room as Mr. Harrington continued to teach.

"Thank you. So today class we are going to-" His voice faded out. I turned halfway around in my seat, so if he looked from the board to the class again, I could face forward without getting caught. I started to whisper to Peter, still eyeballing Mr. Harrington to see when he turned to face the class.

"Why didn't you say anything to Mr. Harrington when I got caught?" I asked looking him in his brown eyes.

"I don't know. I thought you had it all under control, I mean you looked like you did. So I stayed quiet. I didn't know you wanted me to say something." He replied looking at the top of his desk avoiding eye contact.

"Okay. I doesn't hurt to have someone else pitch into the conversation." I said still looking, or attempting to look into his eyes as he stayed silent. "Can I come over to your house again? My dad hit me last night." I started to look and turn away from him. "I just feel really safe and comfortable at your house."

"Yeah, of course. You can come over whenever you feel like it, and when you need to get away. I'm always open to guests. I can even get you a spare key to my apartment if you'd like?" He chuckled poking my arm.

"Thanks Parker. You're the best." I said poking his soft rosy cheeks.

"Anytime." He said letting a little chuckle escape his mouth. Three hours later, schools out and Peter and I were walking off campus towards his house, when I accidentally blurt out that I really liked him, and that I've had a crush on him since I first met him, and he just stood there in shock.

"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry Peter, I didn't mean to say that. I'm really sorry. And I understand if you don't feel the same way. I don't want to make things awkward between us. And if you want to stop hanging out with me, I get that too. " I said slightly embarrassed with myself.

"No. No, it's okay. It's just— I didn't know you felt that way. A-about me, that is. I like you too, I think you're really cool." He said with a smile on his face.

"Oh-" I started. Ouch. "I uh- o-okay." I finally respond with sadness evident in my voice. I turned around and started walking away from him to avoid any awkwardness between us, but soon he catches up to me.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have that come out like it did. And It's nothing to be sad about. You are really cool, and I feel really comfortable with and around you. I just didn't know that you liked me like that. Guess I really am blind when it comes to girls liking me." He said trying to make the situation better and make me feel better.

"Yeah, Peter, I do. And I mean, it's okay if you don't like me like that back. That I can understand. I'm not really all that interesting anyways." I continue to walk away and look at the ground.

After a while he doesn't reply and then out of now where he screams: "Will you just shut up and go out with me Allie Jessica Dawes?!?!?!"

I pause for three seconds I break the silence by saying "How did you know my middle name was Jessica?"

"I got it from Brad." He says with a smile.

I scream and tackle him to the hard concrete pavement and start to scream at him. "YOU TALKED TO MY BROTHER?!?!? WHY?!?!"

"Look, Allie, I'm really sorry. I just really want you to go out with me." He stopped and stared into my eyes. Looking for an answer.

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