Chapter 3

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A/n the girl in the picture is Allie Dawes, in case you wanted to know what she looked like. Hope you enjoy!

I was still on top of him and I was still angry at Peter for talking to Brad. But I eventually got off him and started to walk away without saying anything.

"I can't believe you right now!" I screamed. "After all I felt for you, and said to you? Heck, I even thought about saying yes to you. But now I'm not so sure Parker. You know what, just forget it. I'll just walk home. I dont want to go to your apartment today, I'll just let you and May be alone. And don't think about following me!" I sigh softly before continuing, "Bye Peter." I walked away from him and ignored his cries for me to come back. I really wanted to turn around and run back to him, but I knew I couldn't do that. He hurt me and I needed some time to myself, as I turned down an all too familiar street and started walking home, I knew my day was only gonna get worse if a certain someone was there. My father. As I turned down an all too familiar and dreadful road named Elm's Street. It was a nightmare. (Get it? cause of the movie; Nightmare on Elm's Street. With Freddie Kruger?? Sorry. I had too. Anyways moving on...) I walked down the sidewalk in my neighborhood, I started to feel guilty about what I said and did to Peter. "Allie please, Just let me explain. I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise. I don't think I could ever bring myself to hurt you in the same ways that your father does to you. Please believe me. I'm sorry. Just come back! Please?! I never meant to hurt you!" His words repeated in my mind as I walked home, he was yelling, begging for me to come back. Why? It's not like he really feels the same way that I do with him, right? And okay, I know I was slightly; and stupidly, overreacting with the situation, but he was the only person who actually wanted to be around me. It's bad enough for me that I had fallen head over heels for him the moment I first saw him, and now I realize that I'm starting to fall deeper and deeper in love with him, the more we spend time together, and that scares me. I felt something hot roll down my right cheek. Is it starting to rain? I looked up at the sky, and oddly there weren't any clouds. It was clear skies, with a few tiny clouds brushed in the sky here and there, but not enough to hold rain. I felt another on the other cheek shortly after I looked back down at the ground, and that's when I realized I was crying. Why am I crying over him so soon? And okay, yeah, hurt me. But I know he didn't mean too, I believed him when he said it, but it still hurt.  As soon as I got to my house and opened the front door, my father was there in the living room, waiting for me to walk in. Great, this'll be fun.

"Where were you? You were supposed to come home straight after school got out. Why are you just now coming home at 3:40pm?!?!?" He screamed. Then he started walking towards me. I froze in place up against the front door. "Don't tell me you were with that Peter kid." He was staring into my soul and not in the good way either.

"Y-yes dad, I-I was. And he really is a good guy. I care about him a lot and I really like him. I feel really comfortable, safe, even wanted in his home. His aunt May is a very nice, kind person and is very helpful to me. I want to spend time with him because he makes me happy. If only you would let me--"

Before I could continue my sentence my father slapped me across the face. He yelled at me then grabbed my hair as he continued to scream at me. He threw me face first into the wall behind him and then hit me on various parts of my body, mostly my stomach and ribs. He punched me in the jaw, partially on my mouth and drew blood. After being hit and yelled at for who knows how long, I blacked out due to the high anxiety and adrenaline, I barely remember anything that happened after that, but I do remember waking up in a hospital bed and you-know-who (no not Voldemort sillies) was there right next to the bed waiting for me to wake up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked positioning myself to sit up but winced in pain.

"I heard about what happened to you last night from Brad, and had May drive me here as fast as she could. I don't want to lose you. I really am sorry for being completely stupid to you. Can you forgive me Allie?" Peter said while grabbing a rag to wipe away some of the blood from the side of my forehead. He started to wipe away the blood away and put his left hand on my side to hold me when I winced in pain he jerked away. "Oh my gosh, Allie I'm sorry I didn't mean to--"

I cut him off by kissing his soft, pink lips. He slowly kissed me back not knowing what else to do.

"It's okay Parker, I know. I just want you to know, well, I like you very much." I said staring into his brown eyes.

"I know, you told me before." He said rolling his eyes, and quietly laughing. "Hey why don't you come over to my place and spend the night there, and let May and I take care of you?"

"I don't know. What if my dad finds out and starts looking for me at your house? I don't want him to hurt you or your aunt." Concern was now entering my voice. I was still angry at Peter, but I also really liked him, and I really didn't want my father to hurt him.

"I'll call him and tell him you are spending the night with my older sister. Everything will be okay..." He said reaching for his phone in his back pocket. "I promise."

"Okay...? But you don't have an older sister... it's just you and May... will my dad believe you?" I said rubbing my head, attempting to stop the pain.

He leaned in close to my ear , "I'll make sure he does. Otherwise I'll force him to believe me, by making him feel a lot of pain." I shivered from being cold and from him being so close to me. But mostly from being cold. May signed me out of the hospital and drove Parker and I back to their house, where I spent the night with his "sister", when I really slept on his bed propped up cause of the bruises on my stomach, and he slept on the floor. Or at least that's what I thought..

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