Chapter 6

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"Hello Allie." It was him.

I froze. My mind went blank. My life was flashing before my eyes. What would I tell Peter if he got to me? So many questions were running through my head. I stumbled upon words to say. Finally I answered.

"What do you want Thomas." I slightly growled his name as I spoke.

"What, can't a father talk to his own daughter?" He replied. I hated him so much.

"What did you do to Peter?" Anger was entering my voice.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He said annoyingly through the phone.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Peter." I said slow enough for him to understand. He didn't reply. Then I screamed, "ANSWER ME!!!!" Still nothing.

"Gosh dang it Thomas, just answer me!"I begged him to answer me, then I broke down and cried.

"Okay fine, chill. He's out cold on his bedroom floor." You could hear the small chuckle he let slip from his lips.

"He's what?!" I screamed. "I'm coming back just to get him. Then I'm leaving. You better not pull anything stupid."

"Fine." He laughed. Oh how I hate that laugh. Then there was a creepy pause from him before he continued "See you soon, sweetie." Then he hung up.

I ran as fast as I could back to Peter's. I knew my dad would be there but I had to get to Peter. When I arrived, there he was in the doorway of the apartment. He smiled widely and outstretched his arms expecting a hug but I pushed him out of the way. I ran to his bedroom. Sure enough the there he was, lying on his soft carpeted ground.

"No!" I screamed as I ran over to Peter's  body. As I reached his cold almost lifeless body. I knew I wasn't going to be able to save him in time, but I had to try.

-----Surgery room------

I was sitting at a chair in the corner staring at the almost lifeless body of my only friend and new lover. The only thing making a noise was the monitor keeping Peter alive. I couldn't stand to see him like this. I called for a nurse and left the room so she could check on him. 3 hours passed and he still wasn't awake. I felt so alone. I couldn't stand to see him like this. It hurt me just to look at his gentle face. I decided it was best to go back to the apartment and wait, and again I still got nothing from the hospital. I can't stand this I need to know what's happening with him. After about 15 minutes of pacing back and forth along the floor in every room in that house, I sat on the couch waiting. It's currently 2am, dark outside, and inside the house except for the lamp I have turned on in the living room. When I got home May traded places with me and drove to the hospital. Then my phone rang, it was the hospital...

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