Chapter 1

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Spending time with family isn't that bad. Is it? Well, for being in a family of 6 boys, (including my father), it's not exactly the best thing. I am the youngest and ONLY girl. My mom died shortly after she gave birth to me. And with that, my family isn't always there for me. I get bullied a lot at school and get abused by my father at home. I suffer from depression and I'm a sophomore at Skyline High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan; home of the Eagles. I never had a lot of friends who I can count on to be there for me, so I rely on my older brothers Hayden and Dylan the most. Even though they're married and have their own family, they've always been there for me to step in and be the father-figure, since my dad wasn't the best at being a dad. He was more of the- how do you say- short tempered, violent alcoholic, abusive- type of father. This is my fisrt day at Midtown School of Science and Technology, and I'm really nervous. I walk to school with my brothers, Jake and Brad; who are juniors, and my twin brother Axel; who's a sophomore with me. I pass them in the hallways and say 'hi' to them, but Jake and Brad never talk to me or look in my direction, and Axel gives a small wave and a soft smile to me. I get to my 3rd hour science class and take a deep breath before I walk in. The moment I open the door and walk in, everyones eyes are on me. I freeze and look at the floor almost immediately.

"Allison Dawes, I presume?" The teacher asks.

"Y-yes, thats me. B-but I go by 'Allie' the most, sir." I reply still looking at the floor.

"Very well. Allie, you can have the first chair two rows over, in front of Mr. Parker." He says pointing to the seat in front of the brown haired boy. He gives a small smile and wave to me when the teacher says his name. I smile softly back at him and turn back to the teacher.

"Thank you, Mr....?"

"Harrington." he replied.

"Right. Thank you, Mr. Harrington." I say looking at him as he nods at me, before I continue walking over to my seat. I sat down and began taking out my books. I could feel someone awfully close to me and slightly breathing down my neck. Their breath was hot, it made me shiver. I turn around to see the brown haired boy referred to as 'Mr. Parker' by Mr. Harrington; staring deep into my soul almost.

"I'm sorry. Can I help you with something?" I whispered becoming slightly uncomfortable.

"Yeah. Do you want to hang out with me after school?" He says smiling. His soft brown eyes were looking up and down my body. His hair was slightly curly, more on the wavy side, and a beautiful brown color, that looked really smooth. 'Wow, I just want to run my fingers through it. And he's actually pretty cute, I wonder if he'd feel the same way about me.' I think to myself, but quickly pull myself back into reality. Oh, no. No. I can't be falling for him now. Can I? I barely know him. That's weird. Right?

"S-sure Parker. But I don't really know you that well." I blurt out from being in the slightly awkward situation.

"Sweet! And my name's Peter, by the way. So you won't have to keep calling my by my last name. Not that I mind. And plus, that's what the hanging out is for." He said and smiled cutely. "I'll see you later after school." He winked.

"Okay, sounds good, Peter." I said softly, with a small smile on my face. He nodded and smiled back at me. 'Oh gawd, he winked at me. Okay, just relax Allie, you dont need to get all flustered and blushy over a guy. But how can you not, I mean just look at him, he's so cute! UGH. Come on! Focus Allie, you're in school you idiot.' I slowly turn to look at the teacher who is face down in his work at his desk. As the hours of school go by, 6th period rolls around and finally ends. I walk to the front of the school to wait for Brad and Axle to meet me at the front of the school to walk home with me, since my other brother Jake is at football practice. As I wait on the steps for then to show up I see Peter walk out of the front office doors. I wonder what he was in there for? I quickly pull myself out of my thoughts and throw my hood up over my head. But alas, I was just slightly too slow, and he saw me. I could feel his eyes watching me like a hawk watches it's prey, as my back was facing him. He smiles softly and walks over to where I'm sitting on the steps and starts talking to me.

"Hey, you're Allie Dawes, right?" He says sitting down next to me.

"Yup. That's me. Allie Dawes. The baby sister of the popular and very well known football player, from all over the world, the head quarterback from Ann Arbor Michigan's top high school Skyline High, Jake Dawes. And current quarterback of your football team. Even though we've literally only been here one day, and already he's the most popular kid on this campus." I say looking at the cement with a sad look on my face.

"You don't sound to happy when you say it. Is everything okay? If you don't want to tell me that's okay. I understand that some things are hard to talk about." He says concerned. Huh, that's weird. He barely knows me and he already cares about me? I take a deep breath and let out a small sigh in the process.

"I'm not happy at all. My life sucks I never got noticed by anyone at school, whenever I accomplished something that I was really passionate about in any of my classes. Especially History and science, and I get almost completely ignored at home by my brothers, except for my twin Axle. My dad isn't the greatest, he's very abusive towards me, both verbally and physically. He never lays a hand on his boys, the way he does me. My brothers are busy with their own things most of the time, so I can't spend time with them or talk to them a lot, and I have no one to really call a friend. Because everyone just thinks I'm a nerd and that I'm weird." I say pushing my hood off of my head as I finish talking/unintentionally venting. I look over at Peter for a minute and see that he has wide eyes, and has a sad look on his face.

"I'm so sorry Allie, that really sucks. I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like. I just live with my aunt May, I have for a while now. I never meant to push anything. I feel really bad." He grabs my hands and holds them. "Do you still want to come over? It's okay if you don't, I understand if you need some time to yourself. We can always try again another time." He says with a soft smile. 'Oh my dear Anubis, he's holding my hand *squeals internally* okay calm down, he's just being a nice person and-- oh my goodness his hands are so soft.' I take a second to regather my thoughts as I clear my throat.

"You didn't push anything Peter. And yeah, I still want to come over. I've been here for ten minutes and my brothers haven't come to meet me here yet. I just sent them a text telling them to come meet me shortly before you sat down, and they haven't replied to me. Which is fine, it's not the first time it's happened to me. But on that note, can I walk to your house with you? I don't want to go home to my father just yet." I say reaching for my bag.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm sure aunt May would love to meet you. And I'm sure she'll be more than happy to have you live with us, if you ever need a place to stay. You'll fit in just fine and should be very comfortable in our home with us. Like I said it's just the two of us. And we can either share a room, I have a bunk bed so you can chose if you want to be in the top or the bottom. Or you can take the guest room that we have for when some of my friends or her friends stay the weekend with us. " He says reaching his hand out to help me up. I laugh as I place my bag on my shoulder.

"Thanks Peter." I reply smiling, before taking his hand, and he lifts me up.

"Shall we?" He steps down the small steps and sticks out his arm as he bows and loses his footing slightly so he almost falls. And I can't help but laugh a little at his generous, but also hilariously cute attempt.

"We shall." I reply placing my arm around his, still laughing. He just looks back at me and smiles really big. Man can this boy get any cuter? We walk to his apartment and I'm introduced to his very beautiful and sweet aunt May. We sit in the living room and talk for a bit, and after a short conversation, aunt May goes into the kitchen and makes us some sandwiches. There's about five minutes of awkward silence before she walks into the room with a plate of sandwiches for us to eat for a snack. I stay at his house till about 5:30pm, and his Aunt May drive me home, while Peter sits in the sea behind her. Oh how I wish I didn't have to go back to that awful place, I have to call home. Spending the little time that I did with Peter made me really happy. Something I haven't felt from another person in a while. And I might just have to take him up on his offer of moving in with him, but we'll just have to wait and see.

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