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when will always be enough?

no matter the promises you make to someone, it never seems like it's enough.
the thing with people is that the more you give them, the more they expect. give a man a bike, he'll ask for a car, give a man a car, he'll ask for a home, give a man a home, he'll ask for a mansion, give a man a mansion, he'll ask for a pool, too.
you better not drown, keep those ten toes up because if those ten toes are down, that means that you fucked up.
that's what i swim in.

so, when will it ever be enough? a world where we have everything we wanted is an empty world.
how do you call a perfect life a good life?

those questions will remain unanswered. the rebellion years, the years were one may call the worst years of their lives, their teen years, may be the years another could yearn for, itching for the taste of youth.
the truth is,

it's never enough.




"piper, allons-y."

"une minute."

a nail from the worn out chair had impaled itself into the polyester of my clothes.
i was not about to make that obvious to my brother, however.
once a perfectionist, always a perfectionist. my mother attempted to aid him therapeutically, and no matter my demands for him to see a therapist that wasn't her, she would still insist.
i believe seeing a therapist within family, especially being your mother, forms somewhat of a wall between the healing process. the fear of hurting his feelings, the fear that he might be worse than what she had originally thought.

"just a second, please. you can go ahead and start the car, ill be on your tail." i muttered quickly as my fingers fumbled with the strings in an attempt to free myself from the nail while at the same time not ruining the cloth.
peyton clicked his tongue and stomped out of the dance room.

peyton and piper. we were the small sibling group of the town, appearing in shows every now and again to perform cute and synchronised dances for the audience.
we worked hand in hand, leg to leg, back to back. we were the perfect dance mates.
as siblings, however, we were complete polar opposites.

i grunted in relief as the strings came undone, but my attempt to cause no harm to my cloth was to no avail.
scoffing from the ruined sweater, i dismissed it and followed behind peyton's large foot steps towards the parking lot.
i felt awake, my iris expanding as we left the lit building and into the night.
it must have been around 12 am already for it to be this dark, and if it weren't for peyton's neon green jacket, i would have lost him already.

we practiced at a more lower-tier area in order to save up money. sure, there weren't street lights at the parking lot, sometimes the light would flicker and cut off midway through practice, peyton would have to cancel the entire thing when we'd have roach infestations.
but it was enough to suffice.

"allons-y! allons-y!"
peyton muttered quietly in the tune of Queen's bohemian rhapsody.

"will you do the fandango?"

my brother laughed at my response before clicking open the door to his car.
i allowed myself inside the passengers seat and began to fumble with the heater settings, the cold beginning to freeze my skin.
"don't have it too high, and keep your feet off the dashboard, piper, i had to get it cleaned so many times because of you."

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