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"how do you take your sugar?"

"two teaspoons."

i nodded and added the sugar into hoseok's tea. i took a spoon and mixed it nicely before walking quietly towards him on the couch.
i handed him his tea and sat next to him, making sure to keep a few centimetres between us for jesus.
just kidding. i just felt we should be apart after that dance.

"here, this is a pic of me back in high school."

i took his phone and awed audibly as he chuckled heftily

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

i took his phone and awed audibly as he chuckled heftily. i zoomed in on his face and looked back up at him, the dim light from above was enough to show his sharp features.
"wow. you've changed so much, look at that hair, boy."

he laughed and took his phone back.
"i was so hot, i know."

i watched him as he clicked away from the photo and scrolled deeper into his gallery, landing on a photo of him next to a beautiful girl.
"that's my sister, dawon. she's the eye candy out of the both of us."

"you guys look pretty close

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"you guys look pretty close." i commented.
"yeah, we used to be. i really miss her."
his smile softened down, the dimples in his cheeks disappearing.
i had my lips in a line. he looked pretty upset.
i wasn't entirely sure why i was starting to feel some sort of remorse towards him, the man was too sweet to have this sort of judgment from me.
saying i felt contrition would be an understatement. although ive only gotten to know him for a day and a half, i was already regretting ever having negative feelings about him.

sure, he was bubbly and happy most of the time, but times like these made me really appreciate who he was, who i was getting to know.
i wrapped my arm around his and leaned my head on his shoulder. hoseok's breath hitched for a second, slowly lowering his phone to look at me.
"what are you doing?"

"you look sad, im trying to cheer you up." i looked up into his eyes. his confused expression softened, the corners of his lips curling up into a friendly grin.
"thank you. doesn't sound like something you'd do, though."
his voice was deep and smooth, most probably trying to keep silent since it was 5 am and everyone was asleep by now.

"what makes you say that?"

he blew air out of his nose. "well, you made it clear that you hate me."

i sat up straight and cleared my throat. he looked at me attentively.
"i dont hate you, hoseok. not at all. besides, why does it matter what i think? im just another person, really."
he frowned. "every person matters, though?"

"yeah, but, you're famous. you're out there, you can replace anyone that doesn't like you in a second."
he jerked his arm away from my grip. a hurtful look on his face.
"is that really how you see me?"

i remained silent. this felt like an argument a married couple would have, i wasn't sure how i felt about it.
"i don't know. it's how everyone is these days. i didn't mean for that to sound rude, hoseok."

"everything you've said to me has been rude. you don't need to correct yourself now."
i felt physical pain at his sudden change in mood. he must have been tolerating my bullshit for so long, this was where he reached his breaking point.
i took my phone from the table and stood up, pulling my shorts up as i did so before leaning down.

he turned his head to look into my eyes before i got any closer. my intentions were to kiss his cheek and say goodnight, seeing as he really didn't seem like he wanted to spent more time with me.
but that changed when he now looked at me, his once furrowed brows were now calm, similar to his expression.
his dark eyes twinkled from the light, his nose and cheeks a rosy pink, so were his lips.
"you have really pretty lips, hoseok."
and he did. they weren't full like jin's, but they weren't thin either. they were perfect, heart-shaped whenever he smiled and a natural pink shade.

his lips twitched up into a smile, but quickly went back into a line.
"you think so?" he spoke, his eyes scanning my eyes and lips now.

i nodded slowly, feeling shy as he stared at my parted lips.
"you have really pretty... elbows."
with that moment being terribly ruined, he laughed hard as i stood back up and began to walk off before he grabbed my wrist to pull me back.
"no, no, im kidding. your lips are beautiful, but i think you know that already."

i sat back down beside him on the couch and giggled quietly.
hoseok took my hand in his and grinned deep enough for his dimples to appear again, making him look so adorable.
he stretched his head to the side so id have a good view of his sharp jawline, the shining sun from outside the glass sliding doors casted a beautiful shadow beneath his jaw.

"did you want to kiss me, piper?"

i slapped his arm playfully. he chuckled heftily, but it never reached his heavy-lidded eyes that were focused on my lips.
"im not taking that as an answer."

"i wanted to kiss your cheek. i don't know, okay?" i was deeply flustered. he was so close to me, i could smell his fresh cologne and the beach on him.

"that's a shame. i was hoping for more."

i hesitated for a second before placing my hand on his jaw and pecking his lips quickly.
hoseok acted surprised, widening his eyes and forming his mouth into an O.
"oooo, is that what you thought i was hoping for? what did you do that for?"

"im going to kill you."

he chuckled. "can you do that again, please?"
slowly, i touched his face and kissed his lips again.
this time, he wrapped his arm around me and pushed me closer to him, his lips pressing lovingly against mine.
his lips were the best. they drove me wild, creating a fire within me that felt so unfamiliar. not to mention how incredibly smooth and soft they were, feeling like cottons from heaven against my basic lips.

he exhaled as he kissed me, humming deeply as we began moving our lips in sync.
i sighed as his lips moved to my chin then down to the side of my jaw, leaving tender butterfly kisses all over it.

he suddenly pulled away and smiled lazily, heavy lidded eyes still eyeing my lips before connecting with my eyes.
"do you still hate me?"

i chuckled and shook my head, my palm resting on the side of his neck as i licked my lips, his lips now red from the contact.
hoseok kissed me again. from then, it was inevitable for us to spend the next thirty minutes having a make out session, our hands, with no shame, exploring the other's body.

i hate you, jung hoseok.

don't cry || j.hskजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें