
19 3 2

7 AM, Coté d'Azur.


"drive down to gate 4, then take a left. we should find their cabin there."

"seokjin has his own cabin?"

ava smiled at me as i started the car. i didn't bother questioning why they'd decided to go to Côté d'Azur in the middle of the winter, but now i saw why.
the sun was still rising at 7 AM, but it was around 25 degrees cel. i've never had the chance to come to Cote d'Azur in the winter, let alone stay at a cabin instead of a hotel, but i suppose these are the perks of having a rich friend.

i was thoroughly surprised seokjin was so quick to get himself a place in france. ava told me they were on break so it would be the perfect time to take the weekend off en France, besides, only 3 of the 7 men could make it.
i followed the directions ava lead me to. peyton was kind enough to let me borrow the benz for the weekend, i needed to remind myself to thank him for that.
palm trees were on either side of the road, dozens of them. at the very horizon of the sea, you could see the tip of the rising sun, blue clouds blending in with the lightening sky.
ava connected her phone to the aux cord and began to play 134340 by BTS. i groaned to see her press the play button, knowing she was bound to do it eventually.

but then the song started to play, and i found myself deeply engulfed. the melody was more than terrific, a sexy and jazzy vibe emitted from the stereo.
i bobbed my head to the song, still trying to make out the Korean language.
i was no professional in the language, of course. but i knew enough to survive in Korea. i decided to take it as a side thing back in middle school up to high school when ava was improving it, but she helped me out a lot as well.

"park by that x6."

"he got himself a car too? christ."

she chuckled. "don't worry, it's a rental. he doesn't like taking ubers."
i parked the Benz right beside seokjin's car. ava grabbed our beach bag from the backseat before we got off.
"it's just seokjin, hoseok and yoongi, they're all pretty easy to get along with, i think you and yoongi could click."
i chuckled. "he seemed pretty cool."

my flip flops spanked the heel of my foot as we walked towards the cabin. of course, it was right in front of the beach with their own private pool visible even from the back of the cabin.
i took my sunglasses off as ava knocked on the door. we waited for a minute before she decided to call him.

"mon chéri, we're waiting outside."

the sound of skin stepping onto marble floor became louder from the inside seconds before the door finally opened.
not even giving him a chance to fully open the door, ava dropped the bag and flung her arms around seokjin, almost tackling the poor man.
i sighed and grabbed the bag as she began to shower him with kisses, his face already crimson red from embarrassment. i gave him a nod as to say i didn't really care.

"hello, piper! welcome to our cabin, i'm very happy to have you and ava over."
he gave me a bow. i just stood there and smiled awkwardly before relaxing when ava pulled me inside to shut the door.
i took my slippers off and awed at their cabin.
the living room was huge, the kitchen connected to it, a long hallway right beside it which i assume leads to the rooms.

"where are the guys?"

"yoongi and hoseok are still asleep, i'll wake them up."

don't cry || j.hskTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang