Tom's Pov:

I just finished shooting for the new Marvel film Captain America:Civil War and it was really cool. I flew back to Kingston to visit my family for a while.

Harrison came over and we decided to got to the park to play some football, we were kicking the ball around for a while. To be honest I don't know why we decided it was a good idea to play football in the middle of February, it was still cold outside.

I kicked the ball towards the goal Harrison was guarding, the ball went flying through the air and over his head. It landed quite far away from where we were playing. Harrison gave me a look and I already knew what it meant.

"Tom go get the ball!" He shouted over to me.
"Harrison, you're closer." I said, but I already knew the answer I was going to get.
"But you are the one who kicked it over there in the first place. So move your lazy ass and get the ball." He laughed knowing he had won our 'argument'.

I rolled my eyes and jogged over to get the ball. There was a girl with her dog on its lead. The girl had wavy brown hair, she wore glasses and looked smaller than me. She was beautiful. I smiled over at her and she returned one back. Her dog came running over to me, jumping up at my legs wanting attention.

"Lily, calm dowm." The girl spoke, giggling at her little puppy. I smiled at her again and then bent down to pet the dog.
"She's adorable, what breed is she?" I asked looking up at the girl as I continued to pet Lily.
"She's a Yoripoo. A yorkshire-terrier crossed with a poodle." She said smiling at me, then giggling at Lily as she tried to jump up into my lap. I chuckled at her as well.
"She's crazy. How old is she? She looks quite small." I asked.
"She's about 17 weeks old." The girl said smiling down at her dog. I smiled too.
"I have a blue staffy, she is called Tessa," I paused to look up at her and smiled, "I'm Tom by the way." I chuckled and stood up.
"I'm Eloise. You're the new Spider-man right?" She said.
"Yeah I am," I paused and chuckled. "I better get going back to my friend over there. It was nice meeting you Eloise, and you Lily." I said crouching down to pet her once more.
"Nice to meet you too Tom. See you around" she smiled and then walked away with Lily towards the gate to leave. I picked up the football and jogged back to Harrison with a small smile on my face.

"Prince Charming finally arrived. She is hot, did you get her number?" He asked.
"Nah, we just spoke about her puppy and Tessa really. I guess I forgot to ask." I said as we walked back home and continued with the rest of our day.

Eloise's pov:

I arrived back at my grandparents house from taking my dog Lily for a walk at the park. I met a boy there, his names was Tom, Tom Holland or as many may know the new Spider-man. He was really handsome and charming. I took off Lily's lead and put it in the drawer next to the front door.

"El? Is that you darling?" I heard my Nana shout from the kitchen. I walked through the living room and then into the kitchen.

"Yes Nana it's me." I said quickly leaving a kiss on her cheek. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat at the table next to my granddad who was reading the news paper as usual.

"Hi granddad." I smiled at him then took a sip from my water.

"Hello El, how was the walk?" He asked looking up from the news sending me a smile, his glasses rested at the end of his nose making me chuckle. I pushed them back gently then told them both about what happened at the park, including Tom.

The next few hours included myself and my grandparents dancing in the kitchen to the soundtrack for Mamma Mia. It was our favourite film to watch together. After my mum and dad left when I was born they took me in and raised me to be the girl I am today. I never knew why they left and neither did my grandparents, they have always told me that my parents dropped me off here and went out for a date and they didn't return. A week later my parents house was up for sale. So that was it, my grandparents taught me to walk, talk and taught me my manners. They took me to school and helped me through my first heartbreak which happened when I was about 12. Now that I'm 19, I have realised how stupid that boy was and that I don't need a boy to be happy. I just need family and friends.

I said goodnight to my grandparents kissing them both on their cheeks and headed to bed. Lily slept in my room on her little bed next to my bed.

Just Best Friends - A Tom Holland Short story.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon