Chapter 15

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I look at Louis and walk up to him.  How do I say any of this?

I look at everyone "Liam....h-he let me go" I say. A single tear slips down my cheek and Louis holds my hand. "He said he wanted to do the right thing and....he wanted me to tell you he's sorry" I say looking up at Louis.

Louis nods and a small smile appears on his face.

He squeezes my hand and I continued "he said he loved me and wanted what best for me...." I took a deep breath and looked down "he said he wanted me to be happy and that..... he said....." I didn't know how to put this last part.

Louis looks at me. Begging me to continue. "He told me that he knew I loved you....that I should be happy...... even if it's not with him" I say looking up at Louis.

He just looks at the ground before looking at me. " I think we've all had a really long day and we ALL need to get to bed" Zayn said looking at me.

I nod. The rest of the boys start walking to their rooms and so do I but Louis stays behind. I stop and look at him "Louis? You okay?" I ask taking his hands.

He nods and pulls me to him. I stare into his beautiful eyes. And slowly lean into him. He presses lips to mine.

I pull away when I hear a squealing noise behind me. I turn around to see Niall, Harry and Zayn smiling at us. Niall is so funny. He keeps looking at the other boys with the biggest smile and then back at us.

Louis laughs and I step away from him. He takes my hand and we walk over to the boys and they all go in there rooms. Louis takes me down the hall to what I believe must be his room.

I lay down on the left side of the bed and a few minutes later Louis is next to me and wraps his arm around my waist.

I'm really glad things turned out. Even though Liam had to make a tough decision. I'm proud of him. He put someone else's needs before his. That's how I always imagined the world would turn out but I was wrong.

In the end everything turns out okay.

So many happy endings today! Made me so happy! But also very sad ones. Truth came out. Things stitched up trying to put pieces back together.

I was in between minds about Liam. I feel really sorry for him and wish he would have stayed with Alex, but I'm also very proud of him. He's trying to fix things with Louis.

A lot happened today. To much to process. Louis seemed to clear up really well. His skin wasn't as pale. He seemed less sick.

I can only imagine where Liam is right now. Alex didn't say anything about where he was going to. Maybe he didn't tell her.

Liam is strong and he handles things in his own way. He doesn't like going to other for help even when he needs it most.

That's why we need to be there for him. He's a reck right now. By the way he was looking at Alex this morning when we first met her...... He really cared about her.

It's so weird that we only met her this morning. It seems like we've known her forever. Niall has known her for three days and Harry's known her for two.

When she first got here I was unsure about her. She seemed so scared and I didn't know how to help her. I still don't. But I think Louis and Harry are doing a pretty good job at taking care of her.

She's in really good hands. I would trust them with my life....


A loud scream filled the house and I was out of my bed in a split second. I knew it wasn't any of the boys because they don't scream that loud or high. It was Alex.

As soon as I left my room the other boys were in the hall giving me a sleep confused terrified look. We all ran down the stairs and into the main entry hall to see Alex standing at the front door. She wasn't moving.

Louis went over to her and moved her out of the way. "Oh my...." He immediately got down on his knees. I couldn't see what was happening until he moved "Zayn help me!" He yelled.

It was Liam.

He was lying on the porch, he wasn't moving. His head was all bloody and he looked dead. Harry and I moved Alex and Niall held her so we could pick up Liam.

We got him over to the couch and laid him down. "Harry grab my emergency kit" I say pointing to the hall. He just continued to stand there staring at Liam in horror.

"Harry!" I screamed and he finally ran to the hallway.

"Louis help me!" I shout. I needed to sit him up so I could see his full head.

Louis helped hold him up as Harry returned with my kit. I put on rubber gloves and moved around his hair to see where the bleeding was coming from.

It didn't look good....

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