Chapter 28

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As soon as we got to the house I was racing up to my room. I dove to the ground and grabbed a box from under my bed. It was a small shoe box filled with all the pictures we'd taken since Alex got here.

That's when I really started using my Polaroid camera. The shoebox was almost full. So many memories.

I took a lot of pictures over our Christmas trip as well. Even one of Louis giving Alex the locket.

"Zayn come on!" Harry yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I ran to Alex's room and grabbed the frame Harry had given her for Christmas that had a picture of all of us together. From the first week she was here.

"I'm here let's go" I say running past him and out the door. We got in the car and sped off to the hospital. I'm praying that this will help her remember. I open the box and look through some of the photos.

I picked up the first picture from our trip. It was a picture of Alex asleep in Louis' lap at the airport. It was so adorable. We pulled up to the hospital and I quickly close the box.

Harry and I run into the hospital and sign in as quick as we can before racing down the hallway. We get to Alex's room and she's just chatting with Niall and Louis is sitting in a chair in the corner. He looks so beat.

I walk over to him and hand him the box. "There's everything I have" I say as he takes it. He walks over to Alex and opens the box. "Here's some more pictures " he says. He sits on the edge of the bed and opens the box. She pulls them out one by one and he explains them to her.

Louis helps me pull out photos and he explains them to me. He's very helpful. But Niall explained to me that he was having a hard time with this. He said he loves me a lot and that's why he's trying so hard. He just wants me to remember.

I want to remember too. Louis has been crying a lot, he thinks I don't see it but I do. I feel so bad. I wish I could just remember.

These pictures look like we've had so much fun. Like I had a really good life after I was saved from my dad.  I pulled out another photo and something clicks in my head. I remember this.

It's a photo of Louis and I. It says Christmas in pen on the back. He is putting the locket around my neck. I pull out another photo. A picture of Louis, me and Niall. Louis is giving me a big kiss and Niall's making a face. Hahaha that's funny.

"We had so much fun on that trip, you came to our parents houses for Christmas" Louis says looking at the photo I was holding. I nod "except Harry's and Liam's because their parents wouldn't be home" I say.

Louis just looks at me shocked. "You remember?" He asks hopeful. I shrug "I remember parts, these are really helping" I say. He smiles which makes me smile.

"Like I remember who you are, and I definitely remember what you mean to me" I say smiling. My Louis. He smiles even wider and comes closer to me. He kisses me gently and oh how I missed this. I bet he did too.

He pulls away and looks at me with the biggest smile on his face. "don't ever leave me again" he says quietly. I laugh and nod. "Okay"

She's back. At least partly. She says a few things are still fuzzy. But she remembers me, I can't stop smiling I just wanna start laughing uncontrollably.

Zayn comes into the room and I smile at him. "She remembers! Not all of it but she remembers!" I shout excitedly. He smiles "that's awesome" he looks over at Alex and she's just smiling and starts looking at the pictures some more.

The doctor walks in and smiles "I heard you boys shouting, everything okay?" He asks a little worried. I nod and just smile "she remembers doc!" I yell. He smiles " well that's good. Let's have a look" he walks over to her and looks at the box she's holding. "You boys are smart."

Alex just laughs and puts the photos away. "So can she go home?" Zayn asks and the doctor shrugs. "I don't see why not. Let me just check up on everything and you'll be free to go. You can go get dressed if you'd like." The doctor says and then walks out .

I look at Zayn and he laughs. Alex looks at us as hopeful "You didn't happen to bring a change of my clothes with you be chance?" She asks Zayn. He just shakes his head. "No but I think we've got some spare clothes of OURS in the trunk" he suggests.

She nods "anything will work" she says waving him out. He smiles and runs out.

He comes back a few minutes later and I help Alex out of the bed and to the bathroom. Zayn hands her the clothes. She walks into the bathroom and locks the door.

"What'd you give her?" I asked. He just shrugs " don't know, just grabbed a pile, but it was a t-shirt and sweat pants" he says walking out to go find the others. I completely forgot! They don't know she is up and going. Well at least not Niall and Liam.

She comes out a minute later and I just smile. She's wearing my clothes. And Zayn didn't give her a t-shirt he gave her a muscle shirt. She looked so cute in my baggy sweat pants and my muscle shirt.

I walk over to her and put my arms around her waist. "You look cute" I say kissing her. She smiles "I'm guessing these are yours, they have Louis written all over them" she says laughing.

Niall then comes running into the room and picks her up. He just hugs her really tight. "Niall put me down!" She laughs. He shakes his head "I'm so glad your okay!" He says finally putting her down.

We all laugh and then the doctor comes in "your free to go, be safe" he says to her. She nods and thanks him.

Let's go home.

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