Today's show: 7/27/18

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I think the following are quite hot:
-blood (from biting)
-licking (in appropriate places)
-pinning one down

I think the following is pretty not hot:
-pretending to have a mental disorder
-making fun of people with a mental disorder

What I think is the hottest:
-treating mental disorders delicately and not over stepping boundaries

PS: I wish I wasn't so against physical contact. I feel I don't show enough affection to those I care for.

PPS that's v personal but I'm still willing to share: I have a tendency to imagine what would happen after taking my parents' anxiety/adhd pills and I wish the thoughts would go away.

PPPS: I am a happy person inside and out. But light cannot shine without darkness. I do have my struggles and set backs, but I do what I can to put them aside. This has positive and negative effects.

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