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Celestine was trying to blend into the crowd, or the wall in this case.

She had never been one for large gatherings but how could she possibly say no when Poseidon and Amphitrite were the ones throwing it?

No one would dare refuse them.

"Ooh Triton's swimming over this way!" she suddenly heard someone say.

"How do I look?" a second mermaid asked.

"Why does it matter? It'll be me he speaks to," a third mermaid snapped.

"As if he would go for someone wearing carp of you," the first mermaid retorted.

"Why you," the third mermaid snarled, "don't make me snap your scales..."

"Girls, he's headed straight for us!" the second mermaid tried to break them up.

Celestine shook her head, grateful that the handsome god was not going to come over to her.

She wasn't as thin or as pretty as the other mermaids and they didn't hesitate to let her know it.

No wonder none of the boys looked at her.

So she continued to look down, clutching her drink in her hand and counting down the minutes until she could leave the ball.


Triton was almost to where Celestine was when someone suddenly blocked his path.


His tail fin automatically curled up behind his body to keep it away from her.

"Hello Triton," she purred, "you seem to be in a hurry there...why not slow down a bit, come have a drink with me?"

"As much as I would love that Senga, there's someone I need to talk to," he smiled politely at her.

"Who could be as important as me?" she asked, her lower lip pouting, "we have so much history together...we had a good time didn't we?"

"Yes..." Triton replied, "and that's what it is, history," he said as her eyes widened in shock, "and that's where it needs to stay I feel."

"What?" she looked confused, "are you refusing me?"

"Uh...yeah..." he shrugged his shoulders.

"" she seethed, "I'll have you know I've had bigger fins that you!"

"Good to hear," he replied, "now if you'll excuse me," he swam off without waiting for a reply.

Senga turned and watched him go, her gaze following him until she saw who he had swam to and her face screwed itself up in disbelief.


Stupid, fat, dumb Celestine.

Well if Triton thought he was going to get away with rejecting her, especially for someone like Celestine, he had another thing coming.

Senga swam off in a huff, her gaze never leaving the young god as she watched and waited.

Biding her time.


"Hello there," Celestine heard a voice but did not look up.

She assumed they were talking to someone else.

"Uh...Celestine isn't it?" the voice asked again and this time Celestine did look up.

And into the eyes of...

Those eyes.


"Oh my!" she replied, startled so much she dropped her drink, "f-forgive me your majesty," she stammered before hastily bowing her head.

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