Chapter 21

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"There. This should be fine"said Sonic before placing his sketch on his bed

He concluded himself to have another look and fix if any mistake was made tomorrow. Sonic took his sketch and placed it on his desk. He soon grab his phone,researching some other ideas regarding the project. He remembered having a quiz for Wednesday on History


"Welcome back,Master Shadow"A Butler greet him while Shadow is walking upstairs

Shadow continued to walk

He lay on his bed. His arms on his head. He was overthinking things. His father's words surely overwhelmed him greatly. He looked at their family picture that was on his desk

"I can't believe father would skip visiting you Mom just for his stupid work"Shadow said furiously

"His stupid business is more important than his own family. His own wife...his own son"He muttered to himself

"That's what he cares about the Shadow. His money. He don't even have a time with you. With your problems. I wish your here mom...I wish your here. You're the only person who can understand me"

Shadow said as tears stream down on his face,clutching their picture


"Aww man!"Knuckles complained

Sonic stood up before opening the window

It was morning. Knuckles was having a little conflict with their chemistry project. After the help,Sonic offered a little game of SOS

Knuckles wasn't really a fan of the game,but he played. Bernadette offered them a breakfast. Knuckles helped Sonic clean

"Sonic...thanks for the help you did"said Knuckles

"You're welcome. It was my pleasure Mr.Knuckles"Sonic said formally

"Oh C'mon!"Knuckles groaned making Sonic laugh

"Stop it Mr.Sonic"Knuckles jokes back

Laughter was heard in Sonic's room. Little did they know Bernadette was listening. A smile was shown across her lips before she left

Suddenly, Knuckles' phone ring

"Hello?...Mom?Yes,yes we're finished...What?Already?"Knuckles sounded a bit childish

"Alright... Alright. Okay,bye"Knuckles hung up

"The fun ends here. I gotta go. Dad needs me"Knuckles said showing a frown of their own

"Okay then. See ya"Sonic said

"Thanks again"Knuckles said before he took the illustration board that was behind him

"You're welcome"Sonic grinned before he turned and waved at his leaving friend

He picked up the remaining things on the floor.Once done placing them,he lay on his bed

For him in this week,Saturday and Sunday turned out to be in a total boredom. He was finished reading the book Tails let him borrowed. No new things to be done

His father Jules was the one who get the glasses

Sonic smiled at himself

I Love That Blue Nerd (A Sonadow FanFiction) ||✔️||Where stories live. Discover now