Chapter 70

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"Wait! What?! But how?!"Shadow continuously asked Amy

"I don't know too. We just heard a loud noise on Sonic's door, and there, he found his phone"

"Did you see who returned it?"

"No. I guess we were too late"

"Gladly. I'll tell Wave immediately"Shadow sighed

"By the way, where's Sonic?"

"On his room, I'm sure he's looking if something is changed on his phone...or not"

"Okay. Thanks"

"Uhh, Shadow. I think I'm going home for now. Tell Sonic I said bye. My mom's being crazy and telling me to go home quickly. Bye. I'll leave you two lovers here"Amy giggled

"She knew about... Never mind"Shadow shook his head

Shadow walked upstairs

"Sonic?"He called before opening the door

"Oh, Shadow. You're back"Sonic smiled

"Amy already had gone home. She said bye"Shadow said whilst closing the door

There was an awkward minutes of silence between the two

"Is something unusual on your phone?"Shadow finally broke the silence

"Nope. Nothing. And that's what makes me think"

"Huh? But why?"

"Nothing's changed. It's strange. Cause when my phone was stolen, I feel like that certain someone's planning something on my phone... Don't you think too?"

"I see. Anyway, Wave told me Scourge wasn't the one who stole your phone"

"Huh?! Then who?"A confused Sonic looked up at Shadow for answers

"We still don't know"Shadow frowned before sitting on the bed with Sonic

"Did your back hurt?"

"Yeah. And it still hurts slightly"Sonic replied

Shadow leaned before kissing Sonic

"Love you"Shadow chuckled before pulling Sonic into a hug

"I know"Sonic laughed


"Your phone's back? I don't believe it"Knuckles said in disbelief

"I mean, was it really returned to you in your own house?"

"Yeah"Sonic said, gripping and looking at his phone

"Then it's strange to be returned to you... I mean, did something changed?"

"No. Nothing. It's as if no one stole it. That's what we were thinking too last night"Sonic sighed

"Mr.Sonic?"A female student council knocked on their door


"The principal's asking for you"


Sonic took a last look at his bag, before following the female student council

"So, is your phone back?"

"Yeah. Last night"

"Wait, don't tell me it's on your house? "

"Yeah. Someone returned it... On my own house. We didn't see who it was though"

"Then, I'm pretty sure it's a fellow student of here too, right?"

"Yeah. It's pretty obvious, because this is the location where my phone was stolen..."

"Are few of your friends know where your house is? No, let me rephrase that, do you know someone, whom you don't interact to that much knows your house?"


Even though Scourge and the others are in his mind, Sonic isn't still that hundred for sure

"Do you feel like someone's interested on your home's location, just on this last few days ago?"

"No. No one"

"Do you feel like someone's following you on your way home?"


"I'm pretty sure it's an old acquaintance of yours. And what I mean old is, you interacted with that someone when you first transferred here"

Sonic remained quiet. But, Scourge was out of his option, and that goes same with Wave and Jet

"Mr. Principal?"

"Come in"

The female student council slowly opened the door

"I'll leave you here Sonic"She smiled before walking away

I closed the door and walked in

"You must be Sonic The Hedgehog, right?"

"Y-yes sir"

"Who do you think was the one who stole your phone? Seems like that someone's planning something big. It's not just a simple crime of stealing. That someone stole your phone, because they want some information. Perhaps secret or... Something more. Just my intuition"

Sonic stood there, he was struck

He does have some secrets hidden on his phone

"Well, I've heard you've got your phone back just yesterday night"

Sonic nodded

"Then, I think you must've think it's strange, that nothing's been changed on your phone"

"Yes sir"

"I'll just give you an advice, don't... Hold your phone very often. When discussing with someone secretly, try to leave it in a far place. Got that?"

"Yes... Sir"

I Love That Blue Nerd (A Sonadow FanFiction) ||✔️||Where stories live. Discover now