Chapter 76

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- 1 Week Later -

Time sure is so damn fast. We bought a ticket to go... Out of town. We plan to escape. We can't think of any idea. I know father. It'll be hell if we stay here. Our flight is within Sunday. Things are going smoothly for us, for now. But, I'm always worry about what tomorrow might bring. But, I stayed hopeful. As what I know, the Rebecca person will show up at next Tuesday. Father's not showing up in the house. Everything is... Quiet. It's like, nothing happened. I've felt this before. The time before my mom died

Is something going to happen?

Argh. The hell. My mind is a crazy place. It scares me. Of what can happen. Now, there's a special occasion occurring currently. Me and Sonic are closely watching other students perform. Father's not here...

And I think he's talking to the Rebecca person

"Hey, Shads. Mind us sitting with the both of you?"I heard from behind

I saw Mephiles with Rouge. I snickered and just nodded. This guy..

"Ah. I support you two from the very beginning I saw the both of you"Mephiles winked

I saw Sonic hid his face in my shoulder. He gets flustered easily. Everyone in us knows. And there they are, making us happy, being positive. I can't even thank them enough

"Welcome, to all of the students and parents here. Don't worry! Don't look so bored! We all know you're all tired. We out a little entertainment here! Oh! You all bet this is going to be interesting? Aren't you?"

A voice said. My ears perked up, so does Sonic. That... Isn't one of the speaker before. Something's ... Not right. The voice seems to be suspicious

"Prepare your ears and eyes! For it is our big surprise!"The voice giggled

I looked anxiously at Mephiles

"Let's go to the-"

"Sonic, no matter what happens, I love you"

"Sh-shadow... I... I love you too"

"Just for your safety, we can't expose ourselves to the public. What's between us. I don't care what happens to me. But to you"

I stopped dead into my tracks, and slowly looked behind me. Almost everyone, are looking at us. Sonic... He looks terrified. For the whole time... Everything we do, everything we say, they are recorded?! But how?! I thought we had completely got rid of that phone

I can't tell more. Some inappropriate things are showing up, being shown to everyone here. Most expressions, they are disgusted

I grabbed Sonic's hand and got out of the crowd

"I'll go get see who the fucker is behind the speaker Shadow!"Knuckles yelled, making his way furiously on the back stage

But I didn't bother to look back. What I am concerned is about Sonic, I don't want him to have cristicisms. Fuck! I screwed everything again! Why?! This happened so fast. What did wrong did we even do?! Why is this happening to us?!

Crap crap crap crap! I screwed up again! I screwed everything again! If only I had been more careful! This won't happen! We won't-


I froze... That voice

My father

I looked behind, only to see him with-

"Sh-shadow?"Sonic looked up at me with tears

"Perfect. You're here. Now, come with me and get dressed properly for your wedding"

But I thought-

"Do it now. Or I have to force you. I'm warning you"

No. This isn't the time to give up. For the sake of mine and Sonic. I'll do everything what it takes

I grabbed Sonic's hand and run pass them. This time, I have to do something right

I Love That Blue Nerd (A Sonadow FanFiction) ||✔️||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ