Chapter 1

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        "You killed me!" Bayani yelled as I giggled. "It was either him or you, and he was sweet. He gave me a diamond, and diamonds are a girl's best friend." I explained, and then easily killed the other guy. Bayani groaned and said, "Unfair! I thought we had something..." We both started laughing and I said, "In your dreams." To my viewers, I said, "Well that's it for this episode of Survival Games! I'll see you lovely people next time!" And I hit the stop recording button. "Great outro." Bayani snorted. "Whatever, Jordan." He chuckled and said, "I have to go, have some friends I have to meet." "Okay, bye BayaniDoooooooood." I giggled and he said, "Goodbye, Ireland." I grumbled and I heard him chuckle before he ended the call. My stupid name. I hate when they call me by my name. I exited out of mine craft and team speak, then shut my computer down.

        I look outside to find gorgeous weather. It's been really rainy here in Canada lately. I went downstairs to my kitchen and opened the fridge. I got out a pizza box and popped some in the microwave. I sat on my counter and scrolled through twitter while I waited. Checking my notifications, I found that H metioned me saying, "Okay I bet @purplepenguin is just as ugly as Graser!" I started laughing pretty hard. Just like Graser, I'be never shown my face, or told my name to the public. But nobody really knows which country I'm from though. I know I live close to Graser. But I've never encountered him. But it doesn't really trouble me.

        My microwave beeped, and I got my yummy pizza out and began to eat it. When I was finished, I ran back upstairs to edit my video. "COMENSE EDITING." I said to myself as I began. I finished about an hour later and set it up to upload. I booted up twitter on my phone and tweeted, "Upload in about an hour. :)" That instantly gained me quite a few notifications and I set my phone down.

I went to my closet and plucked a white lace dress from a hanger and grabbed a belt and my peach cross body bag to go along with it. I've been told I have good fashion. I slip it on an put on my peach colored flats. I leave the house and walk to my favorite diner. I haven't had the chance to go there in a while.

        I ordered my usual, a BLT, fries, and a coke. I sat alone in a booth and scrolled through twitter. I tweeted, "I'm such a lonely person, ugh." Suddenly, my phone buzzed and it showed that Straub tweeted me, "@purplepenguin hey I'm your friend!" I replied with, "@strauberryjam then come eat food with me". I set my phone down and my food arrived. I took a picture and posted to twitter saying, "@strauberryjam come and get it." I giggled and set my phone down for the last time. I ate my food and looked around.

        I heard loud, familiar laughter and turned around. A few booths away, there was a guy eating pizza by himself and giggling hysterically at something on his phone. He started typing something and I looked back at my food.

        Why does that laugh sound so familiar?

        My phone buzzed and I saw that Graser tweeted me saying, "@purplepenguin @strauberryjam quit flirting you too!" I giggled and turned around.the guy was looking at me.

        I replied to him with, "@graser10 @strauberryjam oh don't you know it."

        I set my phone down and finished my food. I looked back and saw the guy eating his pizza. I've got to admit, the kid was cute.

        I paid for my food, and walked out the door, passing the guy as he stared at me. When I got outside, I sat on a bench and lit a cigarette, inhaling the smoke and blowing it back out. A minute later, the guy came out and stopped when he saw me smoking. "Hi." He said, sheepishly.

        That voice... ugh where do I know him?

        "Uh hi." I said and took another hit of my cigarette. "Can I sit here?" He asks. "Go for it," I say as he sits on the other side of the bench. I got my phone out and tweeted, "Good meal. :)" I looked over and saw that he was trying to look at my phone. "Can I help you?" I asked before throwing my cigarette on the ground and stamping it out.

        He looked at me and asked, "Are you on twitter right now?" I eye him and say, "Yes, why?" He looks at me surprised, and says. "Ireland." Suddenly I recognize his voice. How was I so stupid? "Oh my God, Zach?!?" I exclaim and I get up.

        He starts laughing and so do I. "Small world, apparently." He said after calming down a little.

        "Apparently so." I saw, grinning. He looked me up and down before speaking. "You're not what I expected, you know?" I nodded saying, "Yeah I kind of imagined you different as well. He chuckled and said, "I really have to go but we should hang out sometime. I had no clue you lived here." I smiled, "Okay and yep, always have lived here." "Okay, well goodbye Ireland." He waved and I said goodbye before turning around and practically ran home.

        What a surprise.

Accidental (A graser10 fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz