Chapter 2

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        The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing. Sighing, I answer it. "DUDE! YOU MET THE UGLY ROBOT?" An australian accent boomed in my ear. It was Straub. I cringed at the loudness and said, "Stop being so dang loud. Yes I met him." He started laughing. Like really hard.

        To be completely honest, I forgot all about meeting Zach until Straub brought it up. He tried to get details out of me but I refused to answer him, and he ended up hanging up on me. Which is totally okay.

        I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom. Looking at my reflection, I sighed. I don't think I'm pretty. I mean, people say that but I don't know why. I'm really self concious and insecure, which is the main reason i don't show my face to people online. 

        And now that I've seen Zach and he's seen me... I mean he's really attractive. But he probably thinks different about me. 

        I mentally slapped myself. I don't know why I'm worrying about this.

        I walked downstairs and poured myself a bowl of cereal. My favorite: Lucky Charms. I can't help my love for Lucky Charms. It's just so good. I added milk and ate it while watching some stupid tv show. After I was done, I put my dishes in the sink and headed upstairs.

        Straight to the closet I went, pulling out jean shorts and a tank top that sported a faded Union Jack. I slipped into the clothes and did my makeup: just a natural look. I just kept my auburn hair natural, which was wavy. 

        When I was finished, I went to my computer, turned it on, and went on twitter. I tweeted, "Well, I met accidentally met someone last night." and giggled as graser replied with, "@purplepenguin hey, me too!" After that, I checked my skype and saw that Parker wanted to collab today. "ts @ 2 est?" I typed. I got an okay from him, and logged off. 

        Looking around my room, I got my phone and some money, slipping them into my pocket, an grabbed the current book I was reading. Which just so happened to be An Abundance of Katherines. I went downstairs and out the door, locking it behind me. I walked to a nearby park, only a few blocks away. 

        I found the perfect bench, and began reading. I love coming to the park to read, I don't know why. I just got to the part where the were hog hunting when my phone began to rang. It was half an hour after I arrived. "Hello?" I say into the phone, not checking who it was. "Hey Ireland," A deep voice said. "Oh, hey Zach." I said sheepishly. "What's up?" He asks. "At the park reading." I say. "Cool. So I was thinking about it, and now that we've met and well we live close to eachother, we should like hangout sometime." He spits out, nervously. I smile into the reciever and say, "Of course. Busy later?" "No, you could come over to chill if you'd like." He says. I can hear the smile in his voice. We agree to our plans and hang up. 

        Walking home, I was a nervous wreck. I left maybe 10 minutes after talking to Zach, not being able to concentrate on the book I was reading. When I got home, I made myself a salad and ate it silently. 

        Zach said I should come over to his at 5 this evening. He also gave me his adress and described his house. Wow, was I nervous. To keep myself from having an anxiety attack, I busied myself with reading fanfiction between H and I, before having to log onto teamspeak to collab with Parker.

        The very first thing Parker said to me was, "You met Graser." I sighed and said yes. Just like struab, he demanded details of the event, and of Zach himself. "Not telling." I say. I could her him pout when I said, "Let's just do that collab, k?" He reluctantly said okay and we played a few minigames on mineplex while Parker recorded. When he was finished, I asked him if he'd film a bit with me on the cube and fight a wither. "OOH, A WITHER! I'M IN!"

        Let's just say, it ended terribly. We spawned the wither behind a mountain by my house. It went towards my house and blew half of it up. I got blown up a few times too, and I lost basically everything. It was not a pleasant recording for me.

        After Parker left, I filmed the rest of my episode, edited it together, and set it to upload. By that time it was 4. I sent a quick tweet saying that my cube episode would be up soon, and went downstairs to grab a juice bottle. There's this amazing fuit smoothie juice I always get at this organic grocery store. It's some Swedish name, but it is really good. I drank a peach mango smoothie juice, and placed the half empty bottle back in the fridge.

        "What to do, what to do..." I said to myself. It was already 4:30. That went by quickly. I went upstairs to my bathroom, snd fixed my makeup. It was 4:50 and I checked how I looked in the mirror before grabbing my keys, phone, a little bit of money in case, and walking to my car. 

        I got to Zach's house a few minutes after 5. It was a nice house on the opposite side of town. I parked my car and walked up to the front door. I knocked once, and a few moments later the door opened to reveal Zach with a huge smile on his face. "Hey Ireland, come on in." He said, opening the door wide so I could walk inside. "Hey Zach, nice house." I said as I looked around. "Thanks, it's my parents' house." I nodded and followed him as he led me downstairs. 

        You know how some houses have like really cool basements? Yeah, Zach's hous were one of those. We sat down on a huge couch, in front of a huge tv that was mounted above a pretty cool fireplace. We talked for a little bit, just talking, when his phone made a dinging noise. He looked at it, and said, "H. Wants to record." He ignored the text and set his phone off. We continued to talk for a little bit before H called him. "Dude, I can't record, I'm hanging with Ireland." I could hear H murmur something that I couldn't make out. Zach sighed and said, "Just 5 minutes?" I heard H say yes and hung up. "I need to get on the server. H says it's 'important'." I laughed and said, "Okay I'm fine with that." He walked upstairs, and motioned for me to follow, so I did.

        We went up another floor and went to what I assumed was his room. It was pretty big. There were two beds, and two desks that both had nice computers on them. Only one of them had a lot of recording equipment, so I guessed it was Zach's. He sat down in his chair and booted up Minecraft. I sat on the bed next to him and said, "So I'm guessing you share a room with your little brother." He nodded and said, "Yep, Devin." 

        Zach had his headphones unplugged so I could hear. "Okay, what do you want me for?" Zach asked, annoyed, when he connected the teamspeak. "Just get on the cube!" H said, with panic in his voice. He connected to the Cube and looked around. We both gasped at the same time. 

        The spawn was on fire, and there were explosions everywhere. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" Zach yelled when he spotted the wither, flying around the skyscraper. "Oh my god." I said, covering my mouth. Zach began cussing H out, and Straub, Devon, Bayani, and Kevin entered the call. Everyone except Zach and I were laughing when he got blown up trying to take it out. Zach stayed still in his seat before screaming at them, beyond angry. "MY STUFF!" He yelled, running to the dent in the ground that didn't have his things.

        Zach was about ready to scream at them, again, before Straub said, "It's a prank dood, chill!" They all started laughing like maniacs. "It's just like with - Parkers tnt - prank." H said between laughs. "I walked up and leaned into the microphone, "You guys are jerks." 

        I looked over at Zach, who was freaking out. They went onto the real Cube, all nice and back to normal, before he believed them. They were all laughing so hard when we hung up on them and he exited out of minecraft. "I'm going to kill them," Zach sighed as he looked at me. I giggled at him and he got all defensive. "Don't you laugh at me." He said, trying to act angry, before failing and laughing with me. 

        What a great night.

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