Chapter 5

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        I woke up with a hangover. "Euughhh..." I groan, and roll over in bed. The first thing I see is someone laying beside me. Immeaditely, I sit up and try to find out who it was. I lean over to peak at who it was. It was Zach. I get up out of bed and walk to the bathroom. 

        Halfway there, I realize I'm wearing only my bra and panties. I hurry to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes widen, in fear that something may have happened last night. "Are you fecking kidding me..." I say, splashing some water onto my face.

        I hurry over to my closet and grab gray cotton shorts and a t shirt, then pull them on. As soon as I've got some clothes on, I walk downstaires and make some toast. About 10 minutes later, when I'm munching on my toast and watching spongebob, Zach comes down in only boxers. "Goodmorning," I nod at him and get back to my toast. "You too." Zach said in a deep, tired voice. Honestly, I've never heard anything more sexy. "Want some toast?" I ask, and he nods. I put some bread in the toaster, grab a plate, set it on the counter, and finish mine.

        After a long, awkward silence, the toast pops up and I quickly butter it, then give it to him. He munches on it for a second before asking, "So um... last night... did we...?" I think for a second before awkwardly answering, "I have no idea, I can't remember anything. Plus I have quite a hangover." He nods and continues eating his toast. "Alright, well I better put some clothes on and head out. I have things I need to do.." Zach says, putting his plate down and practically running upstaires. 

        I shrug it off and put my plate in the sink, then plop on the couch and watch spongebob. I'm laughing like an idiot when Zach comes back down. "Well, see ya." He says, and awkwardly waves. "Bye," I girn and wave back. He walks off and I hear the front door open and shut.

        "Ah, um, uh, ergh," Straub spits out as he whacks me with his wooden sword. "Watch it," I growl into the mic and hit him with my diamond one. "OWWWWE," He yells and runs off. I giggle and run away. "PENNNNN, COME SAVE ME FROM THIS TEAM OF 2!" Straub screams as I run back. "Calm the flip down!" I yell back as I kill the team and rummage through their things. "My saviorrrrrr," Straubs says like a girl. I can't help but giggle as it turns to deathmatch.

        I swiftly take out one of the guys as straub attacks another. Finally, we're left one on one. "Come at me brah, get rekt." I say as I run towards him, and attack. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"  He yells as I kill him and win. "That's it for this survival games, join me nexxxxt timeeeeeeeeee. Gooooodbyeeee!" I say and end the recording. "Gotta go," Straub said, and ended the call abruptly. "Um, okay, bye?" I say to noone. 

        I edit the video and set it to upload. 

        "Hmmm," I hum as I check the time. 5:30. I have nothing better to do so I grab my phone and purse, then head out the door. Basically, I just walk aimlessly downtown until I find myself walking through the door of the place where I first met Zach. I slide into my normal booth and pull out my phone.

        It's a boring Tuesday night, and it was already over a week since I saw Zach. I scroll through my twitter and basically stalk him as I wait. I'm halfway reading through a tweet when... "Hey there, I'm Eric, what can I get you to eat?" a voice interrupts me.

        I look up to see a really cute guy, my waiter Eric. He's tall with dark brown hair that was gelled up in the front and hazel eyes. "Can I have a grilled cheese, fries, and a coke?" I ask him. He smiles at me and writes my order down, "I'll be right back with that." He nods and walks away.

        Holy crap is he hot. I find myself staring as he walks away. After he left my view, I went back to twitter, but forgot all about Zach. ""What would you like?" "Yes I'd like a cheeseburger, some fries, a milkshake, and your hot @$$."" I literally laugh out loud when I tweet that.

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