Chapter 6

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        "Hop on Cube and TS and let's film?" Hbomb texted me. "Sorry, I can't. I have plans." I replied hurriedly, and looked back at my closet. I sigh as I look through the outfits, and pull out a black peplum top and white denim shorts.

        When I've gotten my clothes on and did my makeup and hair, I grab my phone and my wallet and stick them in my pocket. Minutes later, there's a knock on the door.

        I run to the door and open it, smiling wide. "Hi Eric." I say and he smiles in return. "Hello Ireland, you ready?" I nod and close my door behind me. We walk to his car and he opens the door for me. I smile at him and get in.

        We arrive at a little cafe downtown and sit down at a small table. "I'll have a frozen mocha." I say and Eric chuckles, "Can I just get a black coffee?"

        Basically, we spend the night talking until... "So what now?" He asks as we walk out of the now closed cafe. It's 10 pm. "We could catch a movie?" I suggest. He nods and we walk a block over to the theater, only to find it closed. "Well, we could go watch a movie at my apartment?" He asks and I agree. We get in his car and drive to his apartment on the other side of town.

        "Nice place," I nod as he turns on the lights. It's small, but cozy. It's nice. "Thanks." He says as he sits down on the couch. I sit down next to him. We put some comedy in and watch it. "This was fun." Eric says to me at the end of the movie. I nod in agreement. It was 12:30. "You can stay here if you like, since it's so late." I smile, "Thanks, I think I will."

        So we're laying there in bed, its not awkward. It's nice. "You're a cool girl, Ireland." He smiles at me,and I return it. "Thanks," I say softly. I really do like Eric. "Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?" I chuckle. "No," I say softly. He sits up, and so do I.

        And it happens.

        I wake up the next morning kind of early. Well, Eric isn't awake yet so. I find a notebook and pen. I rip out a price of paper and write, "Had fun, call/text me? :) -Ireland<3"

        When I got home, the first thing I did was check twitter. And of course, I had a million dm's from the guys. Particularly Zach. I check my Skype and find that Zach sent me a million messages that were like, "Where are you?" "Hello?" "Ireland, you Ok??" I sighed when he called me, and I answered.

        "Ireland, where the heck were you?" He asked frantically. I looked at my phone and found a million messages and missed calls. Maybe I shouldn't have put my phone on silent. "I was the with a friend, why?" I ask. "You promised me that we would go see 22 Jump Street last night." He said quietly. My eyes widen. How could I have forgotten? "Oh my God Zach, I'm so sorry! I totally forgot!" I freak out. "It's fine.." Zach trails off. "How about we go tonight?" I ask. He agrees and we hang up.

        I meet him at the theater at 6:45. Zach greets me with a wide smile. "Yay you're here." He chuckes and I scowl at him. He just laughs.

        Halfway through the movie, Zach says, "I don't know why I wanted to see this so much, wanna leave?" I agree because well, I still felt bad about last night. We walk out into the night and we walk to the park. I sit on a swing and he just leans up against the poles. "Enjoying yourself?" He asks as I get up pretty high. "Yup." I say, and I feel him grab the chain and stop me. "Hey—" I say. Zach has the most serious look and he's staring me right in the eyes.

        "Can I tell you something?" His voice suddenly got extremely deeper. It was hot.

        No, Ireland! You like Eric! You kissed Eric! Not Zach!!!

        For some reason, I couldn't help myself but to wonder if Eric and I were a thing now.

        "Yes," I nodded. He sighed and looked down at his shoes. He looked back up and took a step closer. He put his hands on the chains that were on both sides of me. He got closer to me and said, "I don't know what you have to think of this, but I really, really... um... like you." He said in a hushed voice. I could feel my eyes physically widen as I think about what he just said. "Do you?" I ask. He chuckles and leans in closer. "Of course," He says, before his eyes close and our lips connect.

        It was nice. But I didn't know what to do because of Eric, so I just went along with it.

        When it ended, Zach pulled away and smiled at me, which I returned. I looked at my phone. "Oh no, its 10:30." I say before getting up. "What's 10:30?" He asks me. "I promised Straub I'd be on his 24 hour livestream. I gotta go, bye." He looked at me questioningly and waved goodbye.


Hi. :) Over 130 reads. :)

I suck at writing so Idk why you're reading this piece of crap story. >-<

So um, thanks.<3

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