Chapter Four

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*Chapter Four*

*Not Edited*

*Victoria P.O.V.*

It's been six months since the change and life is back to normal and better than ever. Well, as normal as my life can get. I still can't get over how easy the transition was. I figured everyone would fear and hate me. Or go running for the nearest silver bullets. Nope, they accepted me, loved me, and nothing has changed that. Michael thinks its super awesome that his wife is a "hot werewolf chick" and the kids still see me as their mommy. Though I have noticed that Jacob is minding me a lot better.

Jacob was thriving in his new school and right now, I am currently enjoying the quiet. With Alyssa napping, Michael at work, and Jacob at school, I'm as alone as a busy mom could hope for. Quiet moments like these are hard to come by and should be savored. My mom penetrated my thoughts for a moment, remembering her teary face caused my heart to hurt for a moment. Poor Mom. Hiding what she has all these years can't have been easy. I could see a definite change in her before she left for home. It was as if the weight of the world had lifted off her shoulders and she was lighter. Happier. I shook her out of my thoughts, and zenned for a moment.

I gave a little smile and reached for my glass of iced tea and my tablet. Pulling my newest ebook up I lost myself in the world of fiction and romance. It was a nice world with characters who I love. Michael likes to tease about how most people read a book once and done, but I will read a book over and over, though I will wait a bit between reads. An angry yell came from upstairs and I sighed setting the tablet down, it was nice while it lasted.

I quickly changed the mad little toddler's diaper and brought her down for lunch. I served her favorite mac and cheese, stealing a bit for myself, and gave her a sippy cup. We played after and I wished for a little it wasn't so cold out. Here it was April and there was almost no sign of spring. The cold northern winters will take some getting used to. Everyone else didn't seem bothered, but my family still needed our blood to thicken a little.

Jacob came bounding in and demanded food. I laughed at his squall of hunger. It seems that the boy is never full. I quickly made him a sandwich and we did homework for a while. Preparing a nice stew to warm us all up for dinner, I danced around the kitchen to music Alyssa was making on her music toy. She laughed her little laugh and bounced around her toy making a racket, but I didn't mind. It was party time for us! Jacob yelled at us from upstairs and we both ignored him. I swear the boy didn't turn eight, he skipped straight to sixteen. I looked at Alyssa, now one, and kneeled in front of her.

"Promise you won't grow up Lissy Bear." I asked her. She looked at me confused, before laughing.

"Up Mommy!" she yelled and threw her arms up demanding to be picked up. I quickly obeyed, squeezing her sweet little body and blowing raspberries on her cheek. She screamed with laughter and my heart filled with how happy I was. Just then, my other soutce of joy could be heard coming through the front door.

After dinner I quickly tucked the baby in bed and headed out to the backyard. Michael and Jacob were tossing a football around. Perfect.

"Heading for a run! I'll be back in about an hour or two." I yelled at them before heading into the woods. Sometimes they come with me, but not tonight. I wanted to run. When I was far enough out I stripped off my clothes and folded then into a pile near a tree. I quickly shifted into my white wolf and took off. I ran hard and fast. I chased a rabbit for a while for fun.

My wolf growled at me, upset I let the rabbit go.

"We could have caught him."

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