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Peter's head was aching as he tried to take off his mask. He saw how the flames surrounding him, he looked for Umbriel as she was laying near the plane. "Bri!" Peter yelled as he used all his might to run towards her. He sensed that something was coming up behind him. He turned around and saw Vulture flying towards him. Vulture crashed onto him and fell next to him.

"Hey Pedro" Vulture said he looked towards Peter. Vulture then flew at him again, Peter dodged it this time. Peter shot a web at him and then Vulture landed on Peter's chest.

Umbriel's eyes fluttered open as she started to wake up. She could barely hear anything after that crash to hear all of the ruckus going on.

She saw that Peter was in trouble and ran towards Vulture; shooting her water balls at him. Before she could get any closer to him, Vulture held her neck.

Umbriel couldn't breathe, she felt her lungs begging for air as she used her strength to try to pull Vulture's hands off her neck. Peter's then groaned loudly has Vulture began to punch him. Peter then caught the last one and they began flying in the air.

Peter then shot a web towards Vulture, making his grip on Umbriel weaken, then dropping her. Peter pulled Vulture claws, and shot a web at Umbriel; pulling her towards him.

Peter and Umbriel fell on the sand and rolled onto the ground. Peter groaned as he looked at Umbriel. She was coughing roughly and a bruise already forming around her neck.

Peter then rolling away from her and saw Vulture coming for both of them. Vulture landed between them and picked up Umbriel.

Peter was furious and started punch Vulture's feet but he was too tired to even put strength behind it. He then dropped her in realization he needed what was behind her. Umbriel winced and coughed more.

Vulture then flew towards the valuables. Peter got up and ran towards Umbriel. "Hey, hey bri you are okay." Peter said as he noticed Umbriel was still trying to catch her breath.

Peter noticed Vulture's wingsuit, "Your wingsuit, your wingsuit is going to explode!" Peter then shot a web at Vulture's wings to try to stop him.

"Time to go pete" Vulture said as Peter pulled harder. Umbriel used her last bit of strength and flew near Vulture to try to pull him down. "I'm trying to save you!" Peter said with agony as he tried to put Vulture down.

Vulture used one of his wings to cut Peter's web. Peter then was on the ground groaning as Umbriel was still trying to stop Vulture.

She flew towards Vulture and grabs his legs. "Umbriel, wait!" Peter said as he tried to shoot a web but there wasn't anymore in his webshooters.

Peter shielded himself as Vulture crashed on the ground. "No, Umbriel!" Peter said as he got up and ran towards the explosion.

Peter covered himself as he ran towards the fire. He came across Umbriel and carried her out the fire. Peter went back to get Vulture. As he put down Vulture, he went over to Umbriel to make sure she was alive.

"Hey, Hey Umbriel" Peter said as she started groaning. Umbriel sat up and started coughing. Peter sat next to her and laid her down on his lap. Peter noticed the cuts and bruises on Umbriel.

Peter carried Umbriel and decided to take her to his apartment.

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