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"Why would someone want to kill Jeanie?" Roxy asked Stan.

He shrugged his shoulders "how would I know? She is not my business"

"So if she was in line with your business, you would have killed her?"
Stan's face flushed "if you continue like this, I would be forced to keep mute till my lawyer comes"

Roxy smiled and raised his hands in defeat "you don't exactly have a clean past Stan, we don't understand why you were there and a murder took place that night, you have been known for this kind of crimes and I am not really sure how you get to have your way, but I will get you busted"

Stan huffed "is that a threat now Detective? Should I be scared?"

Roxy leaned forward "who killed that lady that night?"
"I think that's your job to find out Detective, if I did kill her do you think I would make the finding out any easier for you?"

Roxy's hands clenched up in a fist, then looked down at the brown envelope which he had just forgotten was there all along.  He took up and emptied it, photographs fell out of them. Roxy took them one by one and showed him.

"Recognize this woman?" He asked pushing the picture over to him. Stan looked down on the picture and his face paled. "That shows you do recognize her"

"What are you doing now?"

"Lizzy Alex, died seven years ago. Cause of death was a bullet through her forehead. Had three children and was a single mother, do you know where her children are right now? They are all in different foster homes" Roxy said "you're very much aware of this woman right?"

Stan ignored him and looked away. He took out several other pictures of people Stan had killed and dropped it before him, but he kept looking away. "Take a look at this one" the detective said seriously.

Stan looked like he was authorized to do but no expression was on his face again.

"You recognize this one don't you?" He asked.
"Jean, this was the night she was killed. This is how I remembered her when we all rushed out to see her"

The detective huffed "nice and smart one" he said "did you keep in touch with her before..."

"Hell no!" He said "we all knew she was married with a kid, why would I want to keep in touch!"
Roxy was taken aback for a moment "You all talked about her?"

"We are men detective, we talk about beautiful women just like all average men do" he spat.

"Average men don't kill the beautiful women they talk about" Roxy added.

Stan ran his hand over his mouth "if we are done here, I would like to get out"

Roxy nodded his head thoughtfully "I really don't like you Stan, I won't let you come back to mess up my territory..."

"Oh this place is your territory now right?" Stan mocked.

Roxy flashed him an angry look "I take care of this town Stan, if you don't take your little killing sprees somewhere else, I will have to kill you myself"

Stan chuckled "really detective? Good luck then"

Roxy looked him straight in the eyes "you are playing in the wrong game Stan, keep that in mind. We are done"

Stan stood up and adjusted his cloth "And you picked the wrong player Detective Roxy, make sure to always watch your back. You can never tell who would sneak up behind you"

Roxy stood up too and walked up to him, only stopping two feet before him "I could arrest you now for murder Stan, you know"

Stan tucked his hand away in his pocket "We both know that you're lying, gather some evidence first before you come for me" he said and began to walk out.

"I will bust you Stan! Its a promise"

He chuckled "Good luck Detective Roxy, I honestly do wish you luck"

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