Chapter 2

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 "Nevaeh come quick"   Krizta yelled down the dark and long hallway.

" Oh my sister you shouldn't scare me like that I thought you tried biting your own arm again." Nevaeh said as she stood in the doorway.

" Oh please Nevaeh Im not a little girl anymore. I haven't done that in what a hundred years! Come look i found something that i want to show you." Krizta said in a huff. 

" I saw father leaving his study and i went in to peek around..." Nevaeh looked at her sister like she committed a crime. 

"Krizta you know your not to do that"  Neaveh scolded.

" I know but i heard him talking to someone and it intrigued me. They were talking about marriage!" Krizta said excited.

Neveah rolled her eyes not interested in what she found and started out of the room. Not looking behind her she waved her hand as to say not interested.  Walking back to her room she shut the heavy solid door like it was a feather. She walked to her huge walk in closet and grabbed her fight gear and changed into it. After she was done she stood in front of the mirror , Her emerald green eyes staring back at her. Her tall stature demanding notice. She adjusted her small but full breasts snugly in her suit. zipped it up the side, pulled on her knee high black boots, Tied her hair back with a band. The black curls bouncing when she released it. She thought to herself " Damn i look good." Strong with her confidence she started for the door, Grabbing a long black sheath encased with ruby's and sapphire's off of her lounge chair and started out into the hallway.

It was dark and long. Pictures of long past relatives hanging on the walls. Some go all the way back to the 1700's. She reached the end of the hallway and the beginning of the giant stair case the lead down to a beautiful corridor with mirrors and vases, Lounge chairs and a old 18th century organ. Her father played it quite well. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she looked around hoping to find her father around. They have a sparing date and she was looking forward to it. She has had much aggression towards her young sister and needed that release. 

" Ahh Nevaeh I was just talking about you" Her father said as he strolled up casually.

" So you found me, What is it" Nevaeh shot back. The things her sister just told her still hanging in her mind. Was he going to merry me off? Her eyes followed her father.

" We had a sparing date did you forget?" Nevaeh mentioned.

" No dear child I was occupied but let us go. I don't want to keep you waiting" Her father said.

Walking down the corridor he father matching her footsteps she walked into a large room. Big enough to put a NFL stadium in it. She walked to the side where there was a long couch with red silk pillows on it. she sat down and thought about what her sister said. Glancing over at her father she wondered, but just as fast as the thought came it went. She stood up and straightened her shoulders, pulled a beautiful ancient sword from the sheath. She walked to the middle of the room and waited for her father to finish suiting up. Not long after he was there in front of her.

" Father, Krizta said she overheard you talking about marriage. Is mother not coming home from France like you hoped?" Nevaeh asked as she got into her stance.

" No! your mother is fine. She will be home a few days from now. What i talk about in my study is none of your concern!" Her father shot back also in stance.

Nevaeh whirled and stabbed catching her father off guard. he took a step back and saw the fury in her eyes. 

" Your not going to merry me off like one of your servants!" She spouted and came at him again.

" It's in your best interest! I'm only looking out for you!" He yelled back.

She blocked his attack and stabbed back almost stabbing her father in the heart. He glared at her with the fury of a hundred volcano's about to erupt. Holding his shirt in her fist and a sword at his heart she looked him in the eye.

" I don't need your help! Obviously I can handle my own" She said in a whisper so soft human ears couldn't hear it. 

He pushed her arm off him and turned to walk away. 

" Prince Morlach will be here in 5 days time. Lets not be rude!" He shot as he walked through the doors.

Nevaeh dropped her sword to her side and cursed out loud " FUCK i cant believe you would do this to me" she stormed to the side and gathered her sheath and returned her sword. Walking out of the room she cursed and heaved up the stares. Back down the long dark hallway she stormed into her room. Slamming the heavy door shut she flipped the lock. " How dare YOU" she breathed out. setting her sheath back on the lounge chair she flung herself down on her bed. Soft and  velvety she laid on her back legs dangling off the side. She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Exhaling slowly she sat up to find her sister at the bathroom door staring at her. 

" Damn i need my own bathroom" Nevaeh said rolling her eyes.

" Why did you tell father what i told you?" Krizta accused.

" Because it was about me! That bastard is trying to merry me off like I'm a prized piece of ass! He has another thing coming. Prince Morlach will be very disappointed" She said with attitude.

" A Prince" Krizta's eyes grew.

" Oh get off it, Your acting like a teenager. Grow up and act your age!" Nevaeh demanded.

" Oh I'm sorry how do you act when your 150 years old? hmmm I'm happy acting the way i am. If you don't like the way i act, well then that's your problem. You don't have to be a bitch!" Krizta shot back. 

" Ugggh why dose he have to do this to me?" Nevaeh said as she rested her forehead in her palms." I'm sorry sister" Nevaeh said quietly.

" Nevaeh it will be ok. Ill be right here. Ill help you get through it." Krizta said sitting down next to her sister.  Nevaeh look at her sister and hugged her. when her sister put her arms around to complete the hug Nevaeh cried. 

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