Chapter 4

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Neveah awoke to the sound of the Gardner's and landscapers. Her father wanted to place to be perfect for when her mother arrived home. Four years she was in France studying art. She couldn't wait for her mother to arrive. Maybe she could talk some sense into her father about this prince dude. Her head ached at the thought of this dude. She sat up and the maid knocked on her door.

" Miss. Nevaeh are you awake? Do you wish to eat? The maid called from the hallway.

" Yes come in." Nevaeh called back.

Opening her door was a small framed older women holding a tray of coffee, a bagel with cream cheese, a bowl of fruit and a single yellow rose. She placed the tray on the bed close to Nevaeh.

"Thank you" Nevaeh smiled to the maid and she smiled back exiting her room.

She sat at enjoyed her breakfast. Unlike the myths she didn't survive on blood alone. She did need it from time to time. After she finished she arose and walked to the bathroom. Her sister had already been in there and left her mess. She turned the hot water on to fill the claw tub. undressed she eased her way into the hot water. sighing as the water relaxed her muscles and joints. she pulled the razor from the basket that hung on the center of the tub and started to shave her legs. Her long legs extended a little past the tub but she was ok with that. she washed her hair and held her breath as she went under the water to rinse. Her long black curls sprang back up when she ringed the water from it. slowly she stood up and stepped out of the tub. grabbing her a towel on the way out. Her hair dripping down the side of her neck was caught by the towel covering her breasts. she walked to her closet  and pulled out a loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. She wasn't doing anything special today so she chose to dress the part.

Heading out of her room Nevaeh stooped and glanced in her sisters room, but she wasn't there. So she heading down the stairs and found Krizta sitting in front of the huge fireplace surrounded by lounge chairs.Krizta looked up and saw her sister coming down the stairs.

" Good morning sister, Did you sleep well?" Krizta asked in her chipper voice.

" Yes thank you." Nevaeh responded smiling at her sister.

" Is it really true that father is bringing a prince here to meet you?"

"Yes sister he is, but i don't want to." Nevaeh spoke in soft words.

" Why don't you tell father that you don't want to merry?" Krizta asked

" I did and he said i have to in so many words. So i must meet Mr. Prince" she said holding her fingers in quotations.

Krizta giggled and returned to her book. Nevaeh looked outside wondering, thinking, contemplating what would it be like to be finally married? what if i don't think he is attractive? what if i dont like the way he walks? what if i don't like him? doesn't there have to be love? ohhh she is giving herself a headache.

After what seemed to be all day Blaise's jeep pulled up to the lookout point.

"From here on out we cant take any chances" Blaise told his crew. " We leave the jeep here. We will shift and glide in un detected. on my count  3.......2.........1.......... SHIFT. "

With that order four giant wolves stood tall. Blaise was the Alpha for sure by his stature and grace he was beautiful. Dark brown fur with silver streaks glimmering in the sunshine. He felt so alive when he shifted. So free. His eyes a bright  silver  and his fangs long and sharp. With a low growl they set off. Running through the forest floor gliding across the roots of trees. Other animals deserted their homes when they scented the were's coming. They came to the edge of the mansion and gathered. Blaise gave his orders in a series of low growls and barks. The others nodded with agreeance. Clearing the stone wall that surrounded the mansion the group split up and got to their positions.

" What was that?" Nevaeh sat up alarmed by a feeling. Like goose bumps going up and down her arms, her hair on her neck standing on end. She thought she heard the birds squawking something big is coming. Kritza waved her hand dismissing his sister. 

"No really Krizta i heard something." Nevaeh stated again starting to sound alarmed.

" Well then go check, You know father has alot of people around today getting things ready for mother." Kritza spoke again not moving her eyes from her book. 

Nevaeh got up and went through the kitchen to the back door. She looked out and saw that there was no one out there. No one not even the gardeners. "that's weird" she thought. Nevaeh slowly opened the door and stepped outside closing the door behind her. As she eased her way down the stone path that leads around the mansion, she stopped in her tracks staring in front of her. Standing in front of her was a very large werewolf. Eyes glowing and fangs out, it slowly stepped towards her. Nevaeh gasped and started to move away backwards so she can keep her eyes on the wolf. Nevaeh told herself " get to the house" and with that thought she turned and bolted towards the house. Luckily Vampires have great speed and she got into the house slammed the door behind her.

" Krizta get upstairs NOW!" Nevaeh screamed.

Without asking Krizta rushed to her feet and started up the stairs. Nevaeh's father Richardo came running down the hall.

"Nevaeh why are you screaming?" Her father yelled.

"There is a werewolf outside. I saw it! It was coming towards me. All the gardeners aren't there. no one but that wolf!" Nevaeh yelled back as she ran up the stairs.  

The only thought she could bear was " i got to get my sword." She reached her room and tore her sword from its sheath. Nevaeh went looking for her sister. 

" Krizta you know where to hide. Get there NOW!" Nevaeh hollered.

Without questioning Krizta ran to the end of the hall entering to the room to the left sliding the chair against the wall and moved the partition so she could slip inside. Closing the partition her eyes adjusted to the darkness and moved down the dark hallway. She entered a room lit by only a few candles she sat and waited.

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