Chapter 6

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" Look i could of killed you today but i didn't! There's something about you. I'm not sure what but i couldn't bring myself to kill you!" Blaise told her

"Wait, your telling me you wanted to kill me then you didn't want to kill me? I don't get it! You and your buddies killed my father and are going back to kill my mother and sister." Nevaeh shot back .

" Ok i had my orders and i had to carry them out! That's my job," He said.

"Oh so your a hired assassin" She snarled.

"Pretty much yes I am!" he said walking towards his counter where his whiskey was kept in a crystal jar.

Neaveh sighed and turned from him gazing at the house she was standing in. She saw a huge sitting room with plush couches and a rather large t.v. She saw a very large kitchen decked out with up to date appliances, marble floors, ornate wall coverings. Large windows that let in the light of the moon. Blaise looked at her over the top of his glass and motioned her to follow him. She followed at a safe distance behind him. Blasie turned to see her. He opened the door and stepped inside.

" You can stay in this room." blaise told her.

Nevaeh looked around the room and saw a king size bed with large pillows and a quilt covering the bed. An old dresser and a nightstand. A large mirror hung on the wall next to the closet. Pictures of country living hung on the walls. She turned to him with attitude and said " Um since this is a weird type of vacation you didn't let me pack any clothes." 

" Oh darlin this is no vacation. You are going to stay with me until my con rads return to the house and finish the job. Then i will decide weather or not to kill you!" Blaise shot at her.

"But you said You couldn't kill me" She said with a smerk.

Laughing Blaise looked at her. "Yeah I'm already starting to regret that!" Then he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.  

Nevaeh just stared as he exited the room. "This cant be happening" She said to herself. she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and put her forehead into her fists and cried. Her father is dead, her sister is in hiding and her mother is due home in four days. And that prince is to there tomorrow.  The one part she was thankful for was she didn't have to meet the prince but now she has bigger problems. What was she going to do?  Nevaeh slowly walked to the door and opened it. Blasie was standing in the kitchen talking on his cell phone waving his hand in the air. She walked down the hallway in search of a bathroom. She opened the door to the left and it was a study. Bookshelves lined one wall completely full with books. A large desk with papers and computer stuff all over it. A big plush chair sitting next to the window. she closed the door and continued on her quest. She opened the next door on the right. It was Blaise's room. A huge room fit for a king. She gasped at all the furnishings. From behind her she heard  "Its pretty nice huh." She turned and took a deep breath. It was Blaise, standing less then a foot from her. His scent surrounded her. It was a scent of woods and clove. His chest so perfectly defined. She caught herself drifting into thought and anger build up because she shouldn't be feeling this way. " I'm looking for the bathroom" she sneered. Blaise pointed to the next door to the left. "Right there" he said. Nevaeh hurried and opened the door slipping inside she shut and locked the door. " How come i didn't hear him come up behind me?" she thought to herself. 

Outside the door to his bedroom Blaise stood there grinning. turning away he headed for his t.v. room and sank into the couch.

Krizta sat and wondered what was happening outside. nervously she got up and moved back down the dark hallway the lead to the room. she slid the partition back and stepped into the room. Slowly she replaced the partition and quietly she walked through the house. she noticed the morning sun peaking over the horizon. Moving down the stairs she saw the house was destroyed. Their grandfathers table had been smashed. the images in her head told her Nevaeh's body smashed it. she had a feeling of dread. "Where's my father?" she questioned to herself. She was getting senses that she was alone. So she opened the back door and stated outside. She looked to the right and saw her father dead on the ground. His blood spilled over the lawn. She walked closer to him. Hoping she was wrong. She looked down at her father. His eyes open and fixed on the sky. his throat torn open. She dropped her head into her hands and cried. running back into the house she heard the chimes of the door bell. "The prince. omg he is here and my father lay dead in the back yard" Krizta ran to the door slamming it open.

"Help me please help me. My father is dead." she cried.

The Men at the door looked at her in her state of confusion and told her, " what happened? what do you mean your father is dead? If this is a joke to get out of the deal we made he will regret it!" the man started. "

"Honestly yesterday there were werewolves and my sister... OMG my sister they took her" Krizta screamed. 

"They took your sister? oh I don't believe this. I'm done with this Vampire family. Lets go." the man told the men with him. They turned and walked away." Oh yes and do tell your father i will collect his debt soon. He has till the end of the week!" He told her as he walked.

"I cant believe they didn't believe me!" Krizta yelled. She panicked and headed for her fathers study where his phone book was. She had to call her mother and get her home. She found the phone book and hurried through the pages and found the number for the hotel her mother was staying at. she dialed and waited. 

"Hello?" Her mother said.

" Mother oh mother you have to come home. there were werewolves and father is dead and i think they took Nevaeh!" she cried.

"I'm on my way love. Go to the room. I will find you when i get there. Do Not come out of the room again. Just in case they come back." Her mother told her.

The phone went dead and Krizta dropped the receiver. She ran as fast as she could back to the room. She once again moved the partition and disappeared behind the wall. She sat in the old chair and waited. 

Forbidden LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora