Chapter 5

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Blaise quickly shifted back to his human form and slumped against the house. His thoughts caring him away. When he got to the mansion there wasn't anyone around. His con rads patrolled the perimeter and gave a howl that it was clear. Blaise moved towards the house quietly as he stepped closer to one of the large windows peering inside. He saw Nevaeh coming down the stairs with an sword. He grinned and shifted once again. Within what seamed only seconds he was closing in on the door that leads to the house. Richardo bolted out the door screaming.

"Why have you come? What have we done to you?" Richardo screamed.

With a loud growl Blaise leaped towards him, with studded eyes the Vamipire lifted himself up so the werewolf wouldn't be able to hit him,. With a wave of his hand he pushed the wolf back, but from behind he didn't notice the black wolf coming. With a loud growl and a visious bark he took the vamipire to the ground ripping his throat out with a single bite. Richardo lay twitching as his blood spilled out on the manicured lawn. The black wolf gave Blaise a nod and he entered the house where Nevaeh stood in stance to challenge the wolf. Blaise shook his fur and stared at the women standing before him. Nevaeh stood fear and fury burning in her eyes. She could feel that her father lay dieing. Her thoughts drifted to her sister. a calming sense came over her knowing her sister was safe. Her focus back on the wolf that stands in front of her she took a deep breath. Nevaeh charged the wolf screaming. Blaise jumped out of the way and swung his massive paw and sent her to the ground smashing the 100 year old table under her. Holding her ribs she staggered back to her feet. Pain twinged as she held her ribs. Holding her sword up once again she charged slicing through the air connecting with the shoulder of the wolf. He yelped and staggered back. Fury burning in his eyes he stared at her. Leaping into the air Blaise pounced on her knowing her to the ground making her loose grip on her sword, but this time he stayed on to of her, his paws holding her wrists. She stared up at the massive beast pinning her to the ground she noticed the gash in his shoulder healing before her eyes. Nevaeh gulped air down as the wolf stared at her with his silver eyes. piercing through her. The other wolves entered the house sniffing the air, shifting to their human forms one spoke. 

" The old man is dead and i smell another girl here but we were unable to locate her." 

Blaise shifted to his human form still holding Nevaeh down on the ground. 

"We will return later to find her and the old woman." Blaise told them. Looking down at Nevaeh he grinned and lifted her off the ground. 

"Your coming with me" blaise said in a strong voice.

"Yo Blaise commander wont like that. We have our orders. The bitch must die!" his conrad yelled out.

Blaise yelled out of fury " If the old woman and the other girl are here they will know i have her! Fuck! Lets go"

Slinging Nevaeh over his shoulder he walked out the back of the house. His con rads following behind. Blaise shifted and ran to the jeep holding on to her. Once they got to the jeep he tossed her on the hood as she kicked and screamed. 

"Hold her down" Blaise told his Conrad. 

'Dude this bitch bit me! I'm going to fuck her up" His con rad yelled as he socked her knocking her unconscious.

"Well i guess i don't have to tie her up. Ill sit in the back with her. Lets go." Blaise said.

Sitting in the back seat with Nevaeh over his lap he stared at her. Taking in her length, her beauty. Her long black curls that surrounded her face. Her skin so soft and golden. He was noticing that his attraction to her was evident in his jeans. He quickly put his gaze out the window. Pulling to a stop at the office it was dark and deserted. Nevaeh was waking up and saw a man staring at her. His steele gray eyes looking into her eyes. She blinked and realized what happened and she started to freak out kicking ans screaming. Blaise calmly walked up to her and spoke.

"You better calm down before my buddy over here knocks you out again. Why did you bite him? Did you think that would faze any of us?" 

Nevaeh looked at him stunned by what he said." You mean you knocked me out? You brake into my home kill me father and I'm supposed to be happy and inviting? Your fucking stupid! Take me home or kill me. I will go NOWHERE with you!" 

Blaise chuckled and said " Darlin you don't have a choice" With that he picked her up. She noticed his arms with all their strength. thinking to herself " why am i looking at his arms. Get a grip girl he killed my dad."Blaise set her down in his truck and slammed the door. Nevaeh sat there and stared at him. Her emerald green eyes piercing at him. Blaise was talking to his con rads then got into the drivers side of the truck.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight" Blaise told her.

"Whatever" Nevaeh crossed her arms and stared out the window.

Pulling down his driveway he noticed it was dark. "thank god no one is around" he thought to himself. Nevaeh studied the surroundings and saw the open fields and a beautiful home off to the side. Blaise pulled the truck to a stop and shut off the engine. looking over at Nevaeh he got out of the truck and walked to the passenger side. Opening the door and offering his hand, Nevaeh dismissed it.

"If you try to run i will kill you!" Blaise told her in a soft yet demanding voice. 

Nevaeh looked at him and followed his footsteps into the house. He closed the door behind her and shot her a look.

"You can stay in the guest room down the hall to the right." Blaise said

"How fucking generous" Nevaeh shot back. Her arms crossed in front of her chest bringing up her  breasts. 

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