Chapter 9

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Juelissa was jolted awake. " My daughter has been marked" She whispered. " A FUCKING WOLF" She screamed. " My daughter has been marked by a mother fucking wolf" She continued. Trusting her scenes she knows her daughter is alive and has been marked. Krizta ran into the room where her mother slept.

"What mother? Did you find Nevaeh?" Krizta asked.

"I haven't found her but i know she has been marked. By a good for nothing wolf" She stated. Getting out of bed she quickly got her clothes. 

"Get dressed. Were leaving" Juelissa said.

"Do i need to pack?" Her daughter asked

"No we will get what we need when we get there. First we need to talk some scenes to your fucking sister" She hollered.

Once they were dressed they returned to the basement. Sitting next to her mother they opened their power and telepathically located Nevaeh. "Lets go" her mother said.

Blaise and Nevaeh awoke in each others arms. He wiped her curls from her face and kissed her. She looked at him "I love you Blaise. I didn't want to believe it but i do, and now i bear your mark." she whispered to him. "I love you too baby doll" and he kissed her again. They climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. He let her get in first as he went to start the coffee. She came out of the room and accepted a mug from him. He kissed her and walked to the shower. Sipping her coffee she stared at the beauty of her new home.

Juelissa and Krizta arrived at Blaise's home and started up the driveway. Nevaeh saw them through the big window in the kitchen. She ran out the door  before Blaise was out of the shower. 

"Mother, Sister omg your alive" She squealed.

"Nevaeh!  WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING GETTING MARKED BY A FUCKING BEAST! He is not one of us. How can you disgrace this family in that way!" Her mother yelled holding Krizta back. She don't want Krizta around a trader to her own kind.

"Its not like that mother. He actually saved me! A Fucking werewolf saved me! Or I would be as dead as father!" Nevaeh screamed back.

Her mother looked at her appalled by the way her daughter was talking to her. Then she say Blaise walking towards them.


"MOTHER! Get the fuck off his property. How dare you come here and unleash your hatred on a man that SAVED me! Just leave and don't come back!" Nevaeh turned to leave and Blaise held her back. 

"Would you like to come in and we can talk about this. She wont leave me and I wont leave her!" Blaise stood his ground while holding Nevaeh.

Juelissa just started at Blaise and nodded. 

After sitting and talking for a few hours Juelissa had a firm belief that even though it was his mission to kill her family, He decided to save her instead. She gave Nevaeh a big hug and gave a hug to Blaise, She guided Krizta to the door.

"We will be in France. I will notify you when we arrive. Please be good to my daughter." She spoke softly.

Blaise kissed Nevaeh "I will" 

Juelissa nodded and headed for the door. 

"Ill miss you sister." Krizta cried out. 

"Ill come visit you in France." Nevaeh yelled back.

Nevaeh turned to Blaise and kissed him. He scooped her up and ran into the house. Closing the door behind them Nevaeh squealed as he tossed her on the couch. They made love again on the couch and fell asleep. Neveah awoke a few hours later and walked into the kitchen. As she grabbed a glass of water she heard a  howl coming from the living room. She walked back in there and Blaise was howling in his sleep. Giggling she watched him. He looked like he was a bulldog chasing a kitty cat. She stood there in the doorway and giggled. He woke up startled and she giggled. 

"Were you chasing a cat?" She said laughing. 

"Nope i was chasing you.." He said as he shot up and chased her through the house. 

A few weeks had gone by and Nevaeh was getting along with his brothers and their wives. His mama took some time but she is better now. Nevaeh waited and stared at the little white stick on the counter in the bathroom. Her eyes lit up when she saw two pink lines appear in the boxes. She squealed and ran to find Blaise. 

"Blaise, Blaise, Blaise....." She yelled.

"What" he fell off the couch from the startling call of his name. 

"We are soon going to have little ones running around." She said showing him the stick.

"EWWW you peed on that.." he joked.

"Oh grow up... Its not like you've never been there.." She teased.

Blaise lifted her up being careful of the new surprise that wait inside bringing her down slowly he kissed her.

"Dose this mean i get my man cave?" He winked

"Yes it sure dose." She smiled back at him.

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