To: The people out there

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Life seems to be fine for others but for some it's not. All of us will face different challenges. It might be painful and sad, but that is how life is. Always keep in mind that there are also things that would take away all of those pain and sadness. Just a tip, don't think too much of the negativity, if you do, it will stay and keep yourself that way. So be positive. If you do, then you will be able to share that positivity to everyone.

There would be bad people out there. Who will hurt you. But there will also be good people who will take care of you. But think, there is always good in every person.

Don't let other people tell you what to do. You are you, so make decisions yourself. You can listen to others advice, especially those people you look up to. But still, make decisions yourself. Along the way, you might make wrong decisions and that is normal. Everyone makes wrong decisions. All you have to do is to learn from those mistakes.

Enjoy life. Enjoy everything. Because sadly, it doesn't last. Live life like it's your last day on Earth. Kudos.



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