To: The Man I Love

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Babe, you know I love you more than anything in this world. And I always make sure to tell you that everyday. Everytime that I think that you wouldn't be with me till my last day on Earth, I cry. You saw me cry before. I always cry. And then you would say, you are falling in love with me even more because of that.

I'm sorry if I've been hiding things from you. Maybe like liking a girl. I know it would sound wierd to you. But I still love you. I really do. That's why I'm committing myself to you even more now.

Let's continue to fulfill our promises. Reaching our dreams together. Because I know it's really you I'd be spending my whole life with. I can't think of anyone else. It would be a long journey but I know everything is possible when I'm with you. I love you always and forever.



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