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This is a uke addition roleplay, so you cannot have even sekes cause people will most likely think they can have an uke if they didn't read the bio at all.

Please keep the swearing and smut to a minimum, also censor cursing any way you can such as 'F-ck', 'Fu.ck', 'Fúck', 'F*ck', or any other way.

Please be very descriptive no matter if you know how to or not. At least three or more lines considering I don't have anything to work with if not and it'll also get so boring so quickly and I won't respond.

I don't care what most people say. Tagging is @-ing me and (...?). Don't think not actually @-ing is acceptable. Got me? Tag me if an hour or more has passed. If you want to tag me in an OC, then you always can.

-MAY I?-
Always ask 'May I?' before beginning a roleplay. Then, I won't guess messed up or anything. You don't have to put 'May I tag?', but do put in the title it's an OC for this or something like that. Or simply ask 'May I?'.

Don't make my OC hurt yours at all since they will all care about you in the end. It's very annoying if you make your OC very sensitive to harm, but I can deal with it if they've been through terrible trauma.

My OC's change their emotions to you if you treat them badly. If you treat them hatefully, they'll start to not love you anymore. If you treat them lovingly, they'll love you so much. This roleplay isn't going to be, 'oh, this OC will fall in love with mine no matter how mean I am to it'. No, that's not the case. If you're too hateful to them, they may not bounce back to being your lover although it really depends on my OC's personality. If they're really sensitive then... You know.

Please try to properly use grammar. I understand the problem with trying to figure out which 'they', 'where', or anything alike to use. Even so, try your hardest to spell things correct since spelling bothers me if it's bad. And make everything readable.

OOC means 'Out of Character'. Use only '()', '(())', '//', '/', '{{}}', '{}', '[[]]', '[]', or anything like to talk to me OOC. Punctuation is to stop run-on sentences, not to just not use all together. Also, use quotations to let your character speak.

No one likes a negative nancy, alright? Be positive, even if you're very down. Try not to make your OC super gloomy as well. They're not a raincloud.

Check before you send your reply since I may not respond if you don't, especially if I can make out what it says at all.

You cannot join an OC that is full. That's final. If a spot opens, then it opens. Don't ask me to reopen an OC as well. There will also be a number limit, explained further below.

If I favor an OC of mine, then it will have a '💓' by the title. There also may not be a limit on it if I really like it that much, but I will put one if there's too many roleplays that it's too much. I'll most like put 0/5 at first for a favorite OC and not 0/3.

Once I think of a rule, I will add it to here and make a new part of this story and tell you to reread all rules anyway. When I make a new part at all, I will put a new password there.

The password for this roleplay book is 'BEYNNN'.

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