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Me and my girlfriend of four years have never seen each other naked. Now, I seem like some sex crazed boy right now but that's not what I'm getting at. I love her for her, but any time I start to lift up her shirt or even just sneak a finger onto her hip she pushes me away and makes some excuse to leave.

It's honestly worrying me. Today, I have a plan to see what she's hiding. Yes, I have asked her why she doesn't let me ever touch or see underneath her clothes, I mean, excuse me, I'd like to touch my gorgeous girlfriend's stomach or jus-

I was about to get really girly there.

I walked into her bedroom earlier than normal and she looked up from her laptop in surprise. "You'r here earlier than normal." She said with raised eyebrows as she sat up fully, her black hair moving with the movements of her perfect body.

I put step A into action and wrapped her in my arms tightly after crawling onto the bed.

I kissed her softly, feeling her muscles loosen slightly.

I took those few seconds to whip off her shirt as quick as I could.

She yelped and scrambled to grab something to cover up with but I wasn't tolerating it. I quickly grabbed her arms as she stuggled to get away from me but I'm far stronger than her. I pushed her back onto the bed as my heart shattered and tears welled up.

Red little lines ran the circumfrence of her chest and down her abdoman and all the way into her pants. They were very close together, about each being half a centimeter apart or less. Some ran across others and some crossed over all of them. A couple of them much redder that others and some with red puffiness around them, indicating that they were fresh.

She stuggled to move away uner my watering eyes as tears started to finaly fall, all of my somewhat there manliness slipping away as the devil tore my heart apart, shredding it into such tiny pieces, that I don't know if it can ever be repaired as he laughed evily at the scars on her body.

I ran my hand accross one of them as my tears dripped onto her stomach and she watched me intently, no longer struggling to get free. 

i leaned my head close to her stomach and began to kiss each of the little scars as my tears rubbed against her skinn or ran down my face and slipped in between my lips, the salty taste attacking my tongue.

I continued to kiss each one until she couldn't take it and pulled my face to hers.

I kissed her slowly and softly, memorizing every detail about her, even though I had already in the past four years that I've been mad in love with her.

"Is this goodbye?" She whispered when we parted.

"No, this is me just now saying hello."

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