I missed you

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Sweet Pea POV

Addison hasn't been to school in a whole week. Fangs didn't stay after lunch periods and it is kinda scaring me. Is she cheating on me? She called me twice out of the whole 7 days to let me know she was fine. "Calvin? Have you seen Addison?" I asked. "No, she hasn't been at her trailer since Monday. Alex has been acting weird and protective of her. She hasn't been at the den in days. Rumor has it, it has to do with some guy named Jackson. I don't know the last name. Not romance, like I don't know. If your worried, Addison is loyal. She would never cheat on you, never in a million years. I know her, she loves you. She never shuts up." Calvin said laughing at the last part. It made me break into a small smile.

Fangs didn't come in, so I went to his trailer. I knocked on the door and he opened it. "Hey SP. What's up?" Fangs asked. "Can I come in?" I asked, he looked behind him, and let me in. When I walked in, I saw Addison with her head in her hands and hair down, draping her shoulders. "Why is she here? Is this where you've been?" I asked a little pissed. A tear slipped down her face. "I've been taking care of her. Something family related happened, she hasn't eaten much. She got high again as well. She had gone to more AA meets because of it." Fangs explained to me. Addison's phone went off and she shot up. "Hello?" She asked. "Put it on speaker." Fangs whispered. She did. "Hi, is this Addison Fogarty?" The person asked, I looked at Fangs pissed and he whispered I'll explain later. "Yes, this is she. What happened?" Addison responded. "Jackson King still hasnt awoken, but new signs of brain activity have been detected. The mother, Alison Garrett, has officially signed a form to enlist no visitors. You and your husband can no longer see him. No updates will be given unless told otherwise." The person said before hanging up. Addison slammed the phone on the counter and grabbed her jacket. "Where are you going? Addison!" Fangs and I yelled. "I won't be banned from seeing him! That bitch will rot in hell!" She yelled before walking out the door in her leggings and band t-shirt.

"Where is she going?" I asked Fangs. "Uhh. Trailer. Her dad saw her they are inside now. Me and Addison went to Centerville. She has been here all this time and we couldn't visit someone she needed to without being over 18. We said we were 19 years old and married to ensure we will get in. She wasn't cheating on you Sweets, I wouldn't do that to you either." Fangs explained. I nodded. "Thanks Fangs. Who did you see?" I asked. "That's not my place to say." Fangs said, I nodded understandingly. She is hurt and needs me. I feel horrible. "She needs you SP." Fangs said leading me out of the trailer. We went to the Wyrm to hang and drink, since Jughead technically won against the Ghoulies.

Addison POV

I told my dad I would be going to Centerville for a few days. My dad will be going to court, fighting to get custody of Jackson. I need my other half. I drove my motorcycle all the way to Centerville. I didn't text anyone, didn't call. No one knows I'm her exept my dad. I walked into the hospital, they surprisingly let me in. "Ma'am, I think you should know. Jackson King's mother abused him. This isn't the first time this happened. I would like if she isn't allowed to see Jackson." I said to the woman. "Yes. That is a big problem. She won't be allowed in. Thank you for informing us." The nurse said, I nodded and walked into my brother's room. I saw him and I teared up. Tube in his throat and very pale. I sobbed and pulled a chair next to him. I held his cold hand. I felt a squeeze and shot my head up. "J-Jackson? I NEED HELP! HE'S AWAKE!" I yelled, nurses came in, removed the tube and tested him. He was okay. "Addie, hey hey. I'm okay. Shh. Shh." Jackson said stroking my hair, he patted the spot next to him on the bed and I took it. I laid down and rested my head on his chest. "I-I was scared. I came when I first found out and mom kicked me out. D-Dad is fighting for custody. We w-will be together again." I whispered, he stroked my hair and kissed my head. "Good, I miss you to much." Jackson said softly. "I miss you too." I said letting out a small sob at the end. He held me close and rested his head on mine. "I'm not your sister if a nurse asks. I'm Addison Fogarty and my husband is Fangs." I said laughing slightly. "What did I miss? Tell me about life in Riverdale." He said. "Me and Fangs had to fake marrige to see you. I have a beautiful boyfriend, his name is Sweet Pea. One of Fang's friends. I'm still a Royal, and I need my right hand man back. Calvin is mine now, but we ruled the Royals." I explained, he nodded. "Tell me about this Sweet Pea that has you all bubbly." Jackson joked. "Sweet Pea is the best person you could ever meet. He is what you want in a relationship. I wouldn't trade him for the world. He has the cutest chocolate eyes, jet black hair, and just perfect lips you always want to kiss. I'm afraid he will be mad, he doesn't know about you yet. I'll tell him when I go back to Riverdale. I never talked about you to anyone, you were a very touchy subject." I said. "Now it won't. I'm okay Addie. Now, more Sweet Pea. Did you get laid?" He asked jokingly. I smacked his chest playfully. "No, he is a virgin. So am I. I want my first time to be with him, no one else. He is a serpent, teen leader like me. I'm in AA. I got addicted to molly and a little oxy here and there. I have to start over because I broke my 20 day streak when I came back from here." I said snuggling close to his chest. "I really missed you Addie." Jackson whispered. "I missed you too."

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