Chapter 1, my best friends crazy

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So yet again another boring day at school, life couldn't get any better could it I think sarcastically to myself. My best friend, jade strolls past an heads towards the mentor area. I follow her there an we both take a seat, I stare at her for a moment trying to think of something to say. She has this weird type of look that I get most of the time when she's pretty much pissed off. As I go to speak in comes Ashleigh my other best friend who is a lot more crazier than me jade. Jades at the mentors for a reason an that reason being is that she's pregnant, she's only 16 but very mature for her age. When I heard about her pregnancy I totally flipped out, I wasn't angry at her just more so scared for her. Jades never been the one to take criticism easily. But now that she's 7 and a half months I've got use to the fact she's having a baby soon, I remember the day her running in telling me she was having a baby boy I was so happy for her! "So you got plans tonight or are you spending another Friday starring at that white ceiling of yours" Ashleigh says. "Erm..well, I don't know yet, how about you jade you going to meet Connor?" I said with a smug smile on my lips, Connor is the baby's dad. "No am not I can't be bothered with him he has pissed me off all day" me an Ashleigh looked quite shocked as jade swore, she hardly ever swears so you know she's really angry if she's swearing. I just stare at Ashleigh wondering if she knows what happens because I wouldn't dare ask a hormonal an pissed off pregnant girl. She'd probably rip my head off.

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