Chapter 4 - the sleepover

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I starred at jade as we walked through town, pushing past people an making sure the baby bump didn't hit anyone on the way. I couldn't help but laugh when an old woman came over an started touching the bump, jade looked quite shocked but let her anyways. Then the old lady asked a lot of questions an I was loving every second but my hormonal pregnant friend not so much, she stared at me whilst I was laughing an mouthed the word 'help'. I looked at her shook my head an tutted. When the old woman finally left us I got a small dig to the arm, "well thanks for saving me back there she was practically all over me it was freaking me out." "Yea but it was funny to watch so you know I just laughed." Then she gave me one of them stern looks as if to say please shut the fuck up thank you. Jade phone buzzed in her pocket an she carefully picked it out. "Argh it's my mum she's to over protective" she sighed as she swiped the screen an started speaking. As jade was on the phone I was in my own fantasy world. Until I heard the words "oh well then can lauren sleep over?" My head spun around to jade as she smiled at me with her thinking it was a great idea. I love jade to bits an I would love to have fun with her an stay in her but, jack. "Aw yay thanks mum" jade put the phone down an stared at me, "guess who can sleep in ours." I forced a smile on my face "yay" that's when she gave me the jade look as when she knows your hiding something. "What's up is there something your not telling me, oh my god is it a boy, is it me? Are you pregnant?." "Oh my god jade shut your trap for one second, for start there is nothing up an no there's nothing am not telling you, an another thing you know am not pregnant because you know am a virgin unlike some" an I give her a look with a smug smile. "Hey not fair" she shouted an give me a push an then giggled, "anyway I know it's a boy I just know it is so is he dreamy." I starred at the sky an pictures his face an his little cheeky smirk "very dreamy" I said which sounded a little orgasmic. I turned to see jades face in utter shock. " Hold up your telling me you like someone but you haven't told me" , jade starred at me an widened her eyes which always freaked me out. "Stop! God, an yea but only because I can't tell you." "Hold up a second time your not going to tell your best friend who it is." Jade give me the puppy eyes an then carried on "what if I guess then you haven't told me I guessed?" I starred at her as if she was a complete idiot then thought it might work. "Go on then but if you get it right I'll just give you a certain look but still say no" she starred at me very strangely but agreed. The list went on for a while until she said something that made my heart beat a lot faster " it's not any of our jacks mates is it?" After she said this all I could think of was Callum an them brown chocolate eyes. But yet I could still say no cause really it was about jack. "No none of them I hardly know them." "Okay okay, has he already got a girlfriend?" My heart sunk but yet I still nodded. "Well then it's obvious who it is." She stood still starred at me as if she was reading my mind, "I'm sorry please don't be angry". She put her head to the side like she was a pidgeon an then said "why would I care if you like Lewis? It's not like he's my brother?." Hang up, Lewis? I mean yes everybody loved Lewis he was absouluty amazing but it's not Lewis. An she also said it's not like he's my brother, oh holy shit nuts she doesn't want me to like her brother. I can't tell her I just really can't. " Erm ye Lewis how did you know." "It's Lewis duh everyone likes lewis." I just giggled an we walked to the bus stop to go home. - 2 hours later - I was sitting in jades kitchen with her mum whilst her mum puffed on one of them fake cigarettes. She smiled at me then said "so love was today good?" I had to reply I couldn't not reply could I, so I nervously said "erm yea not so bad, one old woman was like grabbing jades belly ha she was cute though." Just then I heard a bang an I turned around and was faced with the ultimate drool boy right infront of me standing over me. "Take your hat off jack not polite to have them on in the house." Jack done what his mum said an pulled his hat off an was raiding through the fridge when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around disappointedly that I had to take my eyes off such a sexy stern back, even though he had his top on you could see the sharp shoulders an the muscle that was in them. Jade grabbed my hand an pulled me up the stairs, "oh my god hurry up it's like you want to sit down there with them there boring let's go" that's when I thought to myself I actually wouldn't mind. - another 2 hours later - We sat on jades bed watching the set box of friends, until he burst in he asked jade if he could borrow her charger. "What do you need my charger for go get your own one jack you lazy pig." An he put his hand to his heart as if he was heart broken. He smirked at me which embarsingly made me blush an I pushed past him an ran to the bathroom. That's when I heard a knock on the door "are you okay?" I smiled when I knew that voice was to deep to be jades an I opened the door. "Yea sure I'm fine I just freaked out a little I have small panic attacks a lot." My brain beat me up good for that one but really panic attacks oh god he's going to think your a nut case lauren. "Oh well okay then erm am going to sit with the little brother so goodnight rosy". I starred at him, "my names not rosy?" An he giggled, "Yes I know but haven't you heard if the term rosy cheeks an yours have went like tomatoes so I think it sounds better than stranger don't you think". I smiled an nodded at him.

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