Chapter 6 - i love ice cream

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"Rosy do you want chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?" Jack shouted from the kitchen. Before I could answer mikey butted in with his reply of vanilla. "Strange I don't remember rosy's voice being that deep" he giggled an said again "so rosy what one?". "Any I don't mind" I shouted back. "Do we have sprinkles" Tyler shouted. Which made me giggle I feel like a little child when am with these. "No lad sorry" jack said sounding quite disappointed himself. "Okay done" jack said bringing out 4 ice creams, vanilla for Callum an mikey. Chocolate for Tyler an a kinda light coloured brown for mine. "Jack, what's that." I asked. He smiled an I didn't care what it was I just wished he was wearing it so I could lick it off him, no lauren, no. Focus lauren. "It's vanilla, chocolate an strawberry mixed into one because you couldn't decide" jack replied. I licked it as he store at me waiting on a reply of his beautiful new recipe he had created. "Mmmm" I moaned stretching my neck up an my head tilting back. "That's actually really nice." He smiled an looked quite proud of himself. Mikey stood up laughed which made us all turn round then splat! His ice cream was launched from his hand onto the side of jacks face. I didn't know wether to be shocked or laugh but I seen him smirk an throw more back so I laughed. I laughed until jack had some in his hand an shouted "ROSY!" I turned around an dodged vanilla ice cream that splated on the wall. I formed a o shape with my mouth an he laughed. Then he ran after me an I ran as fast as I could but he easily caught up. He grabbed me by the waist from behind me an pulled him closer to him, putting cold an melting ice cream all down my jumper but I didn't care. He smiled as I looked back at him an a spark hit me, but then so did the ice cream he pushed it right in my face making sure he didn't miss a spot. I screamed as ice cold hit my face it was like having snow in summer but with him, it was magical. Callum sat in the corner an laughed at everyone covered in ice cream without a drop touching him. Later on everyone had went home an jade fell asleep early as she had pains. I was sleeping again, I snuck down the stairs at 8 o'clock hoping no one heard me. "Rosy" I spun my head around to the kitchen door an there sat jack. "Want to sit outside it's still really hot" he said, I smiled an nodded "yea sure". We walked out side an he was right it really was warm an the sun was just setting, it was beautiful. I store right at the sun an went off into my own little world. Till something cold an wet touched my nose, I jumped out of fantasy world an joined reality, jack had pushed my nose into ice cream. Now I had a little pink coloured circle on my nose. He giggled an I crossed my arms but inside I wasn't cross. -1 hour later- The sun had completely gone by now. An me and jack had talked for hours. I was now freezing an trying not to show it, I so badly still wanted to stay here an talk to him. I shivered. "Do you want my jumper or do you want to just go in?" Jack asked. I stared at him an shrugged. "You don't say your own opinion a lot do you?" Jack asked again. I shrugged but giggled this time. "Well then here ya go" he said passing me his jumper. I stared at it I mean I had jacks jumper jacks! Jumper! . I put it on an smiled "thankyou". I smelt it an it was perfect it smelt just like him. I wish I could keep this jumper.

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