Chapter 5 - the morning after

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"So did you sleep good love?" I heard jades mum ask. I spun round on my heels stretched an yawned an replied "yea, do you know what time it is?." "Oh it's 1." After her mum said this my face dropped to the floor, I mean seriously 1 oh god. I stomped down stairs to see a smiley little half naked boy sitting at the table, he was happily eating away at cereal. "I'm max, I'm jades little brother. Well her other little brother, basically am jacks little brother" he smirked an had the exact same smirk as jack. I stretched again an said "where's jade?" "Oh she went shopping to the asda with dad." "Oh so where's jack?" I turned around an asked an seen a confused face on max but he still replied. "He went out with friends" he huffed "be good to have a life with a lot of mates" I starred at him an said "yea sure would be but not everyone's going to love you." I turned around with jades mum starring at me an I jumped a little. Sure this family love sneeking up on people. "Sorry love didn't mean to scare you." "I wasn't scared I was just, erm.. I was looking for jade" I smiled. "Sit down love your probably hungry, do you like toast?" She asked. I smiled "yea I do." I watched her make my toast an then she gave it to me, oh no. She had made brown bread toast every time I have brown bread it gives me really bad stomach cramps. I didn't want to say anything am not really confident so I just ate it quietly. Then I heard someone talking outside so I ran to the window thinking it was jade, then I seen Callum with the creepy mikey an Tyler and also jack. My body just froze an I stood starring at them. "Are you going to just stand there or will you open the door please" jack asked. I blushed an ran to the door to open it. "Well Thankyou took your time though" he giggled. Oh god that giggle was to much an then, "you okay there, rosy?" He smirked. I looked at him an nodded an walked to the living room to hide myself, this was the worst mistake. They all came into the living room jack sat on the other side of the room with Callum an mikey sat next to me smiling, I could see him pointing that creepy smile directly at me. Tyler purched himself on the floor an started laughing. "What's funny lad" mikey said stretching an putting his arm around the sofa which ment he was basically putting it behind me. "You lad, thinking a pretty girl like her is ever going to be comfortable sitting next to you" he said an blushed whilst laughing looking at me. "Shut up Tyler not like she'd like you have you seen the size of you" he laughed an the smiled at me. I looked an Tyler looked down an his overweight body which I did not care for, I could still tell he was a nice person. "Actually, mikey, for your information I think Tyler's a lot nicer than you an his weight doesn't matter he's funny an kind an I also don't like bullies" I said an edged further away from him. I turned to see Callum an jacks shocked faces that I stood up for Tyler when I don't even stand up for myself. "Oh right well I wasn't bullying him he's my friend" he said an looked at Tyler with a quite sorry look. Tyler snarled him an smiled at me. "Even if he is your friend it's hurtful to say that to someone you know it can knock there confidence". "So then what knocked yours?" Mikey asked an everyone turned to mikey as if to tell him to shut up. If looks could kill mikey would have been stabbed an shot a few times. "Nothing knocked my confidence I just got brought up as if anyone says anything it's best to ignore them, because you'll only make things worse" I replied. Jack stood up "okay okay let's just stop talking about this now" I think he seen I was getting iterated "so who wants ice cream, lauren?." I smiled an nodded "yep". I think am going to like coming here now I'm getting abit use to that smile.

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