Chapter 3 - the boys

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Me an jade walk for miles an I really didn't think she would be able to walk this much being pregnant an all. We walked until we seen a McDonald's an jades face lit up, since she's been pregnant she has cravings for Big Macs like all the time. I smiled at her as I also to love McDonald's. We walk in looking happy and pleased we walked this far an ended up somewhere nice, but then I heard something that I didn't want to hear. "Oh look it's that stranger and my sister". I turned around thinking to myself please let her have another brother please let it be someone else. Even though I could look at jacks eyes all day I didn't really want to see him with his girlfriend. Jade ordered an said we'll sit over there and pointed towards her brother and he looked at me with that amazing little smirk he does, if makes my heart melt. I stand at the counter feeling all gooey inside. I took my happy meal over to jack, jade, a few different lads and what I expect is his girlfriend. One of the boys is dressed in mainly all black and stares at me with a weird and creepy smile and another is quite big but seems jolly and full of life. They all have skateboards at the side of them so I guess there into that kinda thing. But there's one boy I notice between these lads he is around jacks height which is a little bit taller than me, he has this stare like he's sad and lonely and he has perfectly comb over hair which covers one of his eyes. "These are the guys" jack says smiling at me an jade an I really just can't get over that smile. "I already know jack you bring them to the house every night" jade says but she seems quite angry for some reason but I just blame it on the pregnant hormones. "Maybe I wasn't speaking to you jade" he says with yet again that same smirk an he uses it towards me. "Hi" I say quietly but yet all of them look at me. The biggest lad holds out his hand "Tyler's the name, skatings my game". "Move Tyler she doesn't want to speak to you" the skinny creepy one butts in "hi I'm mikey ignore Tyler he can be quite annoying at times". I look towards Tyler an Tyler looks quite hurt by what mikeys just said but he doesn't show it, " oh I don't mind really". I stare towards the sad looking lad but he just still stares at the ground not even noticing that people are starring at him. Mikey points his thumb behind him "oh, an that's Callum my best friend" Callum sits up an stares at us all I think he was wondering why his name was mentioned. His eyes were amazing brown chocolate eyes and the same colour hair to match it. "Erm hi" mumbles Callum. I want to hear him speak more his voice is so deep and husky it's turning me on a little. I tell myself to shut up before sticking my hand out to who ever wants to shake it. "I'm lauren and I'm also not a stranger as my nick name seems to be." Jack laughs quite loudly and every one turns around to see what the fuss is about. They all turn back around with disappointment in there eyes, think they was expecting a fight more than just someone laughing. Callum stares at me an we both seem to be having some stare out but it's not awkward it's more like we are reading each other's minds, even though I see him blink a few times it's like he's not blinking at all he just stares. "Okay, cause this isn't creepy at all, earth to Callum do you read me Callum" mikey carries on waving his hand in Callum's face. Callum quits starring which I am disappointed about but I just look and smile and I get a smile back. It's not a creepy smile like mikeys and it's not a cheeky one like jacks it's just one of them smiles that everyone should have.

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