Pinning plans

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"I just don't understand Jemmy!" Thomas sobbed before shoveling a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. From the other end of the phone James sighed. He'd seen this coming from a mile away. That didn't make the situation any better though.

Calming down his sobs to sniffles Thomas brought the blankets he'd swaddled himself in closer. He hadn't moved from this position since before the phone call. The pint of ice cream in his hands had been his roommates, but he'd claimed it as soon as this mess had started.

See, today his boyfriend had decided to break up with him. Now he was here, curled up and drowning his sorrows in ice cream while crying to his best friend.

"Thomas," James said softly, "Adams was an idiot that never deserved you." Sniffing loudly Thomas shoved another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. In that moment, Thomas wished he'd never even started dating John. God, he wished he'd never even heard the name John Adams.

They'd been dating for months now and they were getting really serious. Thomas had asked him to come meet his family back in Virginia over Spring break and everything. Finally his mom could see how good New York was for him. All his siblings had been so excited when he told them too. His little nieces and nephews were looking forward to meeting their uncle Thomas' boyfriend as well. It would break all his family members hearts when he told them.

Holding back a sob Thomas managed to choke out, "My family is gonna be so disappointed when they find out Jemmy." As soon as the words left his mouth, he broke down. Tears rushed down his face as Thomas bit his lip. James made soothing noises from his phone in an attempt to calm him down. They stayed like this for a while, Thomas breaking down completely and James trying his best to help.

It took some time, but eventually Thomas' tears dried up. His eyes burned alongside his throat. He was thankful that he didn't have any classes tomorrow. That would've been hell to have to slog through. Even with James at his side, he doesn't think he could manage it.

"I might have a really stupid plan that could potentially work." James hedged. That immediately caught his attention. His best friend was cunning and smart.

Letting out a huff Thomas asked with disbelief, "When have your plans been stupid?" There was a heavy sigh from James and Thomas could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose, like he did when he sighed that way. He muttered something under his breath that Thomas couldn't make out. A frown made its way across his face and Thomas got ready to ask him what he'd said before James interrupted him.

"You're family knows next to nothing about Adams, right? Like, you never even told them his name or showed them a picture of him?" The other man asked him. Unsure Thomas nodded before belated realizing that James couldn't see him.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Thomas responded slowly. There was another sigh from James. It caused worry to rise in Thomas' mind. If James was having this much trouble telling him, it meant Thomas wouldn't like what he heard. James was trying to ease him into it. He knew this song and dance James was pulling. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened after all.

"So, theoretically, you'd be able to bring someone home and pretend they were your boyfriend without them knowing any better?" James finally finished. Staring at the screen of his phone in shock Thomas let those words sink in. Everything he said was right. Theoretically, that was. In practice well, that was a bit different.

Still shell shocked Thomas voiced those concerns, "James, you know that my family would know right away right? There's absolutely no way that'd get passed them." His family was too perceptive to ever fall for that. They'd know immediately that whoever it was that he chose wasn't his boyfriend. It was sometimes annoying how perceptive they were.

"What if," James said with a sudden confidence to his voice, "there was someone that over half the student body thought you were dating? Hell, I sometimes think you have feelings for him!" Scrunching his eyebrows up Thomas put the tub of ice cream on the side table. He racked his brain for anyone who fit that description. No one came to mind, not a soul.

Pulling his phone closer Thomas asked, "Who? I can't think of anyone like that Jemmy!" There was a thick pause between them. Annoyance coursed through his veins at the wait.

"Don't laugh..." He murmured. With the flick of a switch, Thomas went from annoyance to curiosity.

"Come on James, who?" Thomas urged him to tell him. A small groan left the other man's lips before he began muttering under his breath once again.

He was only able to make out a, "Fucking Laurens." It confused him and Thomas wasn't too sure he'd heard right. John Laurens, the best friend of one Alexander Hamilton. His rival in all things and his roommate. Whose ice cream he'd been gorging on to distract himself from his shitty breakup.

"It's Alexander, Thomas." James sighed out. Sitting back in shock Thomas looked at the wall. He didn't know how to respond. "I know what you're gonna say," He continued, "that there's no way it would work. But as much as you claim you hate him, I know you really don't. And don't even try to lie to me." By the end, James was giving Thomas a sharp look. That snapped him right out of his shocked stupor.

"That grein is a menace Jemmy! I can barely stand him being my roommate! Also, I resent what you're saying about me actually being attracted to him!" Thomas growled out.

Annoyance thick in his tone James shot back, "Thomas, you've literally fought people for talking shit about him! Fuck, I've been asked if you two are dating! I think you two are dating sometimes!" Gritting his teeth Thomas got up and started pacing around his room. This wasn't where he'd expected this conversation to go.

He wanted to explain why he'd fought Lee because he was shit talking Hamilton. Wanted to tell him how he was the only one who got to fight with him. It wasn't because he liked him though. No, he just knew that only Thomas was on his level. Anyone else couldn't compare and he couldn't stand that. Thomas knew that James wouldn't understand though. He'd told him before and had only gotten a knowing expression in return.

"Look," James grumbled, "even if you don't actually like him, the point is you could convince your family that you do." And as much as Thomas wanted to throw that plan away and never think about it again... He found himself thinking about it. Thinking about how his family would interact with Hamilton. That's when he realized it could work. That felt like a slap in the face, when he came to that realization.

Looking up at the ceiling he breathed out, "Dear god." He could feel the smugness radiating off of James through the phone. The other man knew that he'd won him over in the end. Running a hand through his hair Thomas groaned, "Fuck, now I gotta convince him to do it. How am I gonna do that?" Silence filled the room as they let that question sink in. Neither of them knew how to answer it. They could only hope for the best.

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