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"Why the actually fuck would I agree to that?" Alex spat out with a scowl. His eyes glared at Thomas with a now empty tub of his ice cream clutched to his chest. Looking down at it briefly Alex added, "Also, you're buying me a new pint of ice cream."

Sending a silent prayer for strength Thomas pleaded, "Hamilton, please just hear me out!" Alex slumped into Thomas' desk chair with a huff. Thomas felt his face twitch in annoyance, but he let it be. It wouldn't be good to piss Alex off at the moment.

Waving his arm Alex drawled, "I'm listening." Thomas had to stop himself from pacing around the room. He racked his brain for what to say to him. There had to be something, anything, that could get him to agree to this plan. Maybe he could find blackmail from Lafayette and use that to get him to agree.

His mind came to a halt as he realized what he'd have to do. He knew that it would work. Hell, Alex knew it too. The real question was if Thomas was desperate enough to do it. Would he let his pride take a hit for this?

Sucking it up Thomas begged him miserably, "Alexander, I'm willing to do anything! Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it. As long as you fake date me, I'll do whatever you want!" He tried to convey how important this was to him. Alex looked shocked and a bit flustered. Flustered over what, Thomas had no idea. His roommate no doubt thought he wouldn't actually do it though. It left him looking lost and Thomas felt nervous. Who knew what he'd want in exchange for helping Thomas.

"Um," Alex finally managed to stutter out, "I want you to agree with my proposals in debate." The shorter man's hands fidgeted in front of him nervously.

Confused Thomas asked him, "That's it? Is there anything else?" Alex's eyes darted around the room as he thought about it. This was almost uncomfortable for him to watch. He'd never seen Alex this unsure about something. Not even when he'd been metaphorically backed into a corner.

"You have to edit my personal projects for the rest of the year as well and not be a dick about it." Alex concluded, his voice a lot firmer than his first attempt. It put Thomas a bit more at ease to hear.

"Hamilton," Thomas said with a raised brow, "that's barely anything. You do know I'm rich as fuck right? I can buy you practically anything. Like a new laptop, the one you have physically pains me to look at." That apparently was not what he should've said. Alex's face grew angry and his hands balled into fists.

Through gritted teeth Alex seethed, "I don't need your fucking money! So take it and shove it up your ass!" Honestly, Thomas should've known better. Alex was a prideful man, and he didn't take well to other people buying him things. He'd seen him give John and Lafayette enough shit about them buying him things. Still, maybe he could sneakily buy him that laptop. It would save him the pain of looking at it.

"Fine, don't take any of my money then. Anything else you want?" Thomas drawled with anger thick on his tongue. Alex remained in the same position as he decided what he wanted to say next.

"Nobody ever knows about this besides us." He said. Unable to hide a wince Thomas hoped that the shorter man was too distracted to notice. There was no such luck for him though. Alex's gaze pierced through him as his eyes narrowed.

"Someone knows?" The man asked slowly. His face was red and there was anger but... there was also worry in his eyes. It was an intense expression and one that was directed straight at Thomas. It left him squirming on the inside and made him want to look away.

Gulping Thomas nodded his head quickly. In a flash Alex was in front of him with a hand gripping his arm tightly. He kept his fingernails from biting into Thomas' skin, which he really appreciated. Still, it was a very firm grip.

"Who? Is it Lafayette? I swear to god, if you told Laf, I'm going to kick your ass." He hissed. Wincing at his tone Thomas looked to the side. This close his face was so intense, more intense then he ever saw when standing farther away. All that burning passion was really something to see.

"No, it's James. He knows, not Laf." Thomas managed to mumble. Immediately Alex's hand loosened and fell to his side. Warmth radiated from the spot on Thomas' arm that left him confused momentarily before his attention shifted.

Slumping forward a bit Alex sighed, "Of course it's James. Thank god. It's all good, no need to panic. Laf doesn't know. Jesus Christ." It was obvious that he wasn't actually talking to Thomas. He was actually very confused about how much he didn't want Lafayette to know. The man was good friends with both of them after all. So what would really be the harm if he had told him? Something to ask about later then.

"Okay," He continued while shaking his head slightly, "since you told James, I get to tell John." That left a sour taste in his mouth for some reason but he ignored it. Why shouldn't Alex tell his best friend, he'd told his? Well, technically James told him but whatever. So he nodded his head in agreement.

"Does this mean we have an agreement then?" Thomas asked cautiously. Running a hand over his face Alex let out a groan. A beat of silence followed between as he waited for Alex's answer.

Finally he grumbled out, "I guess we do. God, I'm gonna regret this, aren't I? Scratch that, I already do." At those words, Thomas felt himself relaxe. This whole situation had wreaked havoc on his nerves for far too long.

Letting a grin spread across his face Thomas shot back, "Too late to turn back now darling!" At that, a blush spread across the other man's cheeks like wildfire. The reaction made him ecstatic. It was always so fun to fluster Alex.

"Motherfucker, don't call me that ever again!" He snapped. Any effect was lost with the intense nature of his blush. It was honestly pretty cute.

"Oh honey," Thomas purred, "this is all part of the boyfriend experience! You're gonna have to get used to this, seeing as it's what you signed up for." The blush on Alex's cheeks grew as horrified realization crossed his face. There was another emotion that flashed in his eyes, one that looked familiar somehow, but Thomas couldn't place it.

Tentatively Thomas asked him, "Hey, something wrong?" Dropping his gaze Alex started to chew on his lip. Warning noises blared in Thomas' mind at his reaction. Something was very wrong and he had absolutely no clue what.

Breaking the silence heavy in the air Alex told him, "It's not that big of a deal. Just, you know, thinking about how John's gonna want to have some words with me about this." Thomas knew that wasn't the whole truth. For whatever reason, Alex wasn't going to tell him what was really up. He'd never known Alex to stay silent about something that made him uncomfortable. When they were in Virginia he'd try to figure it out. They'd be spending almost all their time together after all. Eventually he'll get some actual answers.

Deciding to let the subject drop for now Thomas said, "Anyway, after you get done talking to Laurens, we can practice a bit."

Blinking in confusion Alex asked, "Practice? What do you mean?" The man looked completely lost. It was as if he'd walked into a conversation halfway through with no context.

Giving the man an unimpressed look Thomas deadpanned, "What, did you think we were gonna show up to meet my family and act all awkward about being affectionate? I want them to think we're actually dating Hamilton." The blush that had just faded not too long ago came back with a vengeance. His mouth was slightly parted, as if grasping for something to say. The expression made him smirk and caused him to feel a warmth in his chest. Seeing Alex speechless never ceases to make him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"I gotta go talk to John." Alex said before rushing out the door. Thomas stared at the door blinking before shrugging to himself. He'd go make himself some tea and relax for a bit. Everything had pretty much been smoothed out for the time being. It left him feeling pretty good.

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