Set in motion

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A/N: Just a warning, this story has some implied/referenced past unhealthy relationships. It isn't explicit, but just a heads up if that makes you uncomfortable! 💕

Thomas had finished his tea well before Alex walked back into the room. He had gotten pretty far in it, but put the book down as soon as Alex entered their dorm. Instead of the greeting he was expecting, Alex ignored him completely and flopped onto his own bed with a sigh. Raising an eyebrow Thomas turned to face his bed more.

"Took you long enough to get. We still gotta practice y'know?" He told the shorter man. Alex cringed as he turned to face him. Thomas didn't know why he was making that face; he'd agreed to this after all.

His expression changed to anger as Alex snapped, "Fuck off dipshit, I wanna get some rest." This made Thomas' facial expression turn sour as he set his book down next to him.

"You can sleep later. For now, we're practicing so this plan actually works and doesn't go down in flames." Thomas quipped. For a moment they stared each other down. A silent challenge was issued between them. Never one to back down, Alex stomped over to him. Before Thomas could ask what he was going to do, he had a lap full of an angry Alex. Startled, Thomas let out a noise of surprise as his brain short circuited. This was definitely not what he'd expected. Hell, he doesn't know what he'd expected, but it wasn't this.

He wasn't sure what was going on in Alex's head during it. There was a strange fire in his eyes and and what looked like realization. It faded into a look of determination quickly though.

Licking his lips Alex asked, "So what exactly do you want us to do in this practice?" Thomas snapped his gaze to the side to the side and swallowed nervously. His emotions were going out of control and he didn't know why. For now he'd just try to rein them in so he could deal with them later.

Discreetly clearing his throat Thomas said, "We should get used to being physically affectionate with each other and just generally acting in love" Alex nodded in understanding he moved slightly closer.

"I've got a few questions first, before we get started. Probably shoulda asked a few of these earlier, but eh, we're here now" Alex said.

Glancing down at the man in his lap he replied, "Shoot." Alex sat up a bit straighter and gathered himself.

Looking up at Thomas he asked, "Did you tell them anything about "me"? Like, do I have to act a certain way specifically besides acting in love? And before we do this, what are your boundaries?" Thomas tilted his head as he thought about the questions.

Glancing back he replied, "I never mentioned personality traits per say, so all you gotta do is act in love I guess. As for boundaries..." He had to pause again and really think about it. Thomas had never thought much of his own boundaries. There wasn't much that made him uncomfortable to begin with. "Just don't call me sweetie and we're good I think. If anything comes up though, I'll let you know." He finished.

Alex nodded and didn't question his answer. It was a relief, but it made sense that he wouldn't say anything. He'd seen John and Thomas together after all. So his distaste for the pet name wouldn't be out of place. Thomas still felt weird about how intimate this all felt. Then again, they were pretending to be boyfriends for his family. Intimacy was bound to form between them, at least a little bit.

"What about you? Got any boundaries I should know about?" Thomas prompted. Alex seemed to have his answer already planned because there wasn't too long of a pause.

All he said was, "Don't even jokingly call me a slut or any sex shaming kinda bullshit. Also, don't touch me when I can't see you in my line of vision or grab onto my wrist and pull my anywhere." Nodding his head Thomas privately wondered about his answer but didn't say a word. Alex had respected him and not asked about his boundaries, so he'd return the favor.

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