Cuddles Cure Everything

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A/N: Sorry about the wait for this one. I've been busy with requests on my moodboard account ( ̄▽ ̄;)

He was well and truly fucked. Why had he been stupid enough to say yes? Alex was going to have to have to pretend to be the boyfriend of one Thomas Jefferson, the man he was fucking head over heels for. The man who made his knees weak, his palms sweaty, and the little self control he had flee the scene. Just being roommates was already a struggle! So yes, Alex was completely fucked. And he had to tell John about it. John, who knew his feelings towards Jefferson.

Running a hand over his face Alex sighed. He was on his way to John's dorm, but it there were still a few hallways to go. It wasn't too late to turn back to his dorm and hide.There was a problem with that though. If he went back now, he'd have to face Jefferson again and "practice". Alex was still a flustered mess after that whole conversation. So he was going to see John because he needed to calm down before facing Jefferson again.

Out of all his friends, John would be the best to go to. Aaron was also friends with Jefferson and going to Herc ran the risk of Lafayette finding out. The energetic Frenchman say him as a younger brother of sorts, despite him being older, and was very protective of him. If he were to find out, he'd probably murder Jefferson. Even though the two had been friends for years, Lafayette wouldn't let that stop him. He knew this because at the beginning of their relationship Lafayette had given John an intense shovel talk. Even now that they were no longer dating, John still refused to tell him the details of what was said. So he'd been absolutely relieved when Thomas said he hadn't told Lafayette. The resulting mess would've been incredible.

Upon reaching John's door Alex composed himself a bit before knocking on the door. From the other side of the door you could hear a few thumps, a groan, and then the shuffling of feet. When the door opened, a very disheveled John stood in front of him, hair wild and clothes a mess.

"Yo, what's up dude?" John yawned. Letting out a long drawn out groan Alex shoved past him into the room. James seemed to be out somewhere, thank god. So Alex let himself flop face first onto John's bed. The door clicked shut and John made his way over to his bed.

Alex raised his head slightly and lamented, "John, I'm a goddamn idiot. I just did something so incredibly stupid, it's impressive." The bed dipped slightly as John sat down beside him. A hand made its way into his hair and started to run through it. It made him relax slightly.

Slowly, as if talking any faster would scare him off, John asked, "What happened Alex?" Closing his eyes Alex thought about how to explain everything. He really wished there was anyway for him to come out of this not looking like a dumbass.

Sucking it up Alex told him, "So Jefferson's boyfriend broke up with him. Which is good, because Adams is a dick who never deserved him. But apparently he was supposed to meet Jefferson's family over Spring break, so he needed someone to pretend to be his boyfriend and he asked me for some reason. And.. I told him I would..." After his outburst there was a beat of silence. Alex twisted his fingers into the covers feeling stretched out.

"Holy shit Alex," John stated with a pat on his head, "you've really backed yourself into a corner here man." Huffing Alex turned his head to look at him. His friend looked amused at everything. If his situation wasn't so ridiculous he would've been annoyed. He was glad at least someone was getting amusement out of this.

"He wants to practice acting like a couple when I get back. How am I gonna fucking deal with this?" Alex whined pathetically. John's fingers went back to running through his hair. He couldn't back out of it now though. Doing that had the potential of Jefferson finding out his feelings. Even if he could, he knew he wouldn't say no. Jefferson had sounded so desperate when he asked him to be his boyfriend. He'd do practically anything to stop him from sounding that helpless ever again.

"It might be more bearable if you actually tell him how you feel." John said softly. Scoffing Alex looked at him in disbelief. Matching his gaze John lifted his eyebrow in a silent challenge.

Never one to back down from a challenge Alex turned his head towards the wall and snarked, "Sure, cause that would go over wonderfully! It's not like he's under a shit ton of stress right now and having to deal with my unwanted feelings would add to that! And it wouldn't make living together awkward as fuck, since he doesn't even like me as a person!" A tension entered the air after he finished. Neither one of them knew what to say right after. It left both of them on edge.

"You can't know what he's feeling Alex... From all I've seen, I think he likes you a whole lot." He said in an attempt to soothe him. It did nothing to calm him down however. In fact, it put him even more on edge.

"He doesn't John! Hell, I don't blame him. I'm a goddamn mess and an asshole. If there's an interest there, it's purely physical. That doesn't mean he cares about me, or even tolerates me." He snapped. Quick as a flash John grabbed his face and turned it back towards him. His friend had a determined expression set on his face, eyes hard.

Looking directly into his eyes John asserted, "Alexander Hamilton, don't you ever talk about yourself like that. You are smart, funny, and a good person. Anyone would be lucky to date you. If Jefferson just wants your body, which I don't think for a second is true by the way, he'd be a fucking idiot." Smiling shakily at him Alex tried to put himself back together. It was times like these when Alex was reminded how lucky he was to have John as a friend. He always knew how to get his mind out of its mangled self hatred. Alex doesn't know what he'd do without him.

"Okay... I'm not telling him though." Alex conceded. That brought out a groan out of John but he knew a losing battle when he saw one. Both of them were well aware of how stubborn he was. When he'd set his mind on something, he'd stick with it.

Glaring playfully John Said, "Fine, but I think it would still be a good idea to tell him, just so you know." Grunting Alex shoved his face into John's pillow. He felt the John shift until he was laying on the bed next to him. His fingers continued there work at running through his hair. It was comforting and helped Alex feel better.

John broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them by asking, "So how are you gonna deal with all of this? Gotta plan?"

Snorting Alex replied, "I'm gonna avoid my feelings like the fucking plague and be the best fake boyfriend I can be, what else can I even do?" There was a pointed look from John. "Besides telling him." He tacked on. Still looking unsatisfied with his conclusions John kept his mouth shut. In the silence that followed a weight fell into the air between. It made both of them uncomfortable and unsure.

"How about we cuddle and forget about this fucking mess?" John said and broke the suffocating silence.

With a grin Alex said, "I thought you'd never ask." The two of them huddled closer together and wrapped around each other. All thoughts of Alex's issues were temporarily left behind as they relaxed into each other's arms. For now they let themselves just be. They basked in the mutual support between them. Alex was going to miss this in Virginia. Especially considering all the stress he'd be put under while there.

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