Q&A w/ characters + author

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Q. Boys, how are you going to kill Zero and are you gonna need any help killing him?

Taehyung: Did s/he just doubt our skills??

Jin: *dramatic gasp*

Yoongi: We don't need help! We can handle our own business, thank you very much.

Namjoon: But are we the ones killing Zero?

Hoseok: *shrugs* Y/N's out for vengeance too.

Jungkook: She's weak.

Y/N: Excuse me?!

Jimin: *sighs* Well, we'll see won't we? *winks at readers*


Q. Yoongi, how did you guys feel when Yuri died? Did you ever figure out why she died the way she did?

Yoongi: We all felt devastated, especially for a certain someone, because we failed our job as protectors. And I'd have to thank Namjoon for holding us together and keeping us as one after her death. Only Yuri knows the true reason that lies behind her death.


Q. Taehyung, what led you in your human life to become a doctor and are you glad you did it, since you're still a doctor as a vampire?

Taehyung: I wanted to prove a point to many who doubted me and called me an idiot so that led me into the medical field and besides, I get to save lives so how great is that? Of course I'm glad that I had chosen this path. Besides Namjoon hyung, these guys are all idiots. *earns glares from all but Namjoon*


Q. Namjoon, how did everyone react when you all found Jin hurt and Y/N gone? What were your thoughts at the time?

Namjoon: It was like the moment Yuri left our side, the memories came flashing through my mind as if history was repeating itself. Jin was hurt and unconscious which made everyone panic, especially Jungkook when he found out he could no longer connect with Y/N. And Jimin..well, you could guess what he felt at the time.

Q. Did you managed to come across Harry Potter? If so, how did you find that some characters are Blood racist?

Namjoon: Does he even exist in this story?

Author: *shrugs* Anything is possible.


Q. Jin, do you blame yourself after what happened? If you could have a redo, what would you have done instead?

Jin: I would had never let me and Y/N walk that far from the house, that way Zero would had never found us. Gosh, I could only imagine what triggering events she had gone through with Zero and it was all my fault. That man honestly needs to die.


Q. Hoseok, what happened in the mansion while Y/N was gone? Did you guys try to find her, or simply wait until something happened?

Hoseok: We tried to look for her, except Jin who was hurt and Taehyung who needed to look after him. But Zero's a demon, who knows where he could be hiding, his place might even be invisible to our eyes. But we didn't gave up and Jungkook tried to go as far as possible, calling Y/N's name in hopes of her answering but there wasn't any luck. Even though there's someone else in his heart, he still cares *whispers and winks* secretly.


Q. Jimin, how do you feel about Y/N being bonded to Jungkook?

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