50: When the party's over

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"I don't know the first thing about being a princess," you panicked to the maids that were assigned to help you with your dress. "What if I mess up and fail at the job?"

"Oh honey," one of them laughed with sympathy, "you won't have to worry about that. The only thing a vampire princess does is protect her people from evil."

"But what about politics? I don't know a thing about politics!"

"You won't have to get involved in politics unless you want to, your highness," another promised you.

"I won't?" You asked doubtfully.

She shook her head while adjusting the strings on your back that had you grunting. "Your job is to protect us, that's all you have to do."

"This is...this is scary," you admitted as you stared at your fiddling fingers.

"You will be fine, your highness," another maiden smiled. "We believe in you."

You stood in front of many eyes moments later, dress hugging you tightly. It was a long lace embroidery ball gown, bright red colored from your chest and extended down with a beautiful gradient as the color darkened to a dark burgundy. Patterns of flowers and petals decorated your whole chest and off the shoulder short sleeve before descending down along the gown.

It was scary to be up there but meeting Jungkook's eyes amongst the crowd as he flashed you a sweet and assuring smile, you felt a little more calmer.

"It's alright, Y/N," he told you.

You believed him.

"I now anoint you princess of the vampires," Yuri's great grandmother declared as you lowered your head so that she could place the beautiful red crystal crown decorated with the base of pretty roses atop your head.

Everyone in the room clapped and cheered.

You were now their princess.

And another party had begun.

"How does it feel?"

"I'm still scared as heck!" You whispered loudly as you and Jungkook danced amongst the many in the ballroom. "Do you know how terrifying this is? I don't know the first thing about being a princess."

Jungkook laughed aloud with amusement. "Didn't your maids tell you the only thing you have to do is protect your people?"

"Yeah but that's even more scarier."

He gave you a doubtful look. "What's so scary about that?"

"What if I can't protect them?" You worried. "What if I'm not fit for the job and I fail them all? What if I grow weak again and don't think about what's best for them but what's best for me?"

"Hey, hey, hey," your soulmate cut in, "you're the most selfless person I've ever met, I know you won't have to worry about not thinking of others because you do that everyday. And Y/N, I'll be here with you every step of the day. As your guardian, my job is to protect you while you protect them."

You pouted. "But you only have to worry about me."

"Yeah exactly," he chuckled, "you're the most important vampire figure on this planet so if I fail the job, there's no going back because there won't be another vampire possessing the royal blood. And you know how important this blood is. We're all here with you," he said, beckoning his head towards the other guardians who were dancing with other random vampires. "We're all in this together."

You snickered. "Nice way to quote high school musical."

"High school what?"

"Never mind," you laughed.

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